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目前分類:Spring Pomona (19)

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讚到不行的評論,elysion WFM!

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3 17 日洛杉機是個風和日麗,晴空萬里的好日子. 我們提早出發在兩點半到達 玻璃屋”, 以為在前十名之內了, 一看已經排到街尾.大家有備而來,不是折疊椅就是席地床單. 打牌的打牌, 聊天的聊天就像春日郊遊一樣. “.璃屋坐落在離洛杉機四十多哩的 Pomona一個小舊城中, 外表看來非破舊, 沒想到可以容納八百人. 隊伍裡全是成年人, 正在納悶少女族那去了, 那知三奌半後她們蜂擁而至,! 對了她們還要上課呢.

七點左右我們才進場, 大家迅速尋找有利地盤 我衝到舞台左徹第三排, 在人頭縫中免強找到一個缺囗可以看到一奌舞台. 人群不斷推擠最後我連那個小縫也沒了. 此時我妺妹早以不知去向了. David 在九奌才正式上場. 一位好心的太太看我個小讓我竐站在她前面. 我從第三排移到第二排非常利位置, David在唱 Touch my hands, my hand, Zero gravity時感覺他的臉正對着我呢! 我要對這位太太致上我崇高的敬意.

Touch my hand真是非常棒的開塲歌, 它帶動了整個會塲,歌迷從一開始就進入了瘋狂忘我的境界中了 David .總共唱了十六首歌- Touch my hand, Barriers, My hands, You can, Don’t let go, Works for me, Waiting for yesterday, To be with you, Zero Gravity,  Medley, SOT, ALTNOY, Crush, Como La Flor, 1000 miles, Angeles (順序不記得了). 大致是几首快歌後夾一首慢歌.

他的Works for me, Waiting for yesterday, Zero Gravity, Don’t let go, Touch my hand,My hands動感十足, 強而有力,不時跨越左右舞台與歌迷有很多的互動.誰說他沒有舞台表現? 我昨晚看到了一個巨星的表演.

我一直對 SOT沒有特別的感覺, 可是他昨晚唱的太感人了.我整個人愣在那在一刻希望他不要停下來. ,這可能變成我最愛了. 唱 To be with you & You can我沒有錄影, 我想全心全意聴我心愛的歌. 他沒有讓我失望, 無懈可擊! 我沒辦法不愛他 他的高音部分又長又有力的拉上去 試試聽他在To be with you 中一段. What I wouldn’t give to feel that Wayyyyyyyyyy.

Zero Gravity 一定要成為單曲才可以, 這是大家的心聲!Jive拜託了!!

他昨晚唱 Como La Flor比較長, 西班裔的歌迷興奮到不行.我的電池在錄中段後完全耗盡.

沒有談到曲子是一樣的好就不多說了. 這真是一塲難忘演唱會就如 Gengen 所說他的現場演會比唱片強百倍有機會千萬別錯過哦.

會後的發展我在 blog已用英文寫了就不敘了.

我零晨四點睡不著起來寫的. 因為我的 pics & videos被我的妺妹在無意中刪除了. 我傷心的無話可說.我覺得這次我的新相機拍出的效果特別好. 寫這文章後我心情平伏了好多了.相信她心情也不好過, 而且一切已在記憶中了. 只是對你們感到非常抱歉.請問被删除的有沒有可能再復原?

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#Gengen, I'm back. We waited for David after the show. He came out and I was the first on the line and I got his autograph. I told him your website (How sweet of you to do that!!!!) and he said "really?" I also talked to Johnny, the soundman, and told him that you are in Reno now and going for next three shows. He said "woow" I'm having problems with internet now so I'll break it here.

#David is ten times beautiful in person (I told you).  I'm dying here.  He sang 16 songs tonight if I remembered right- Touch my hands, Barriers, Don't let go, Waiting for yesterday, Works for me, My hands, Zero gravity, SOT, Crush, You can, To be with you, ALTNOY, Crush, Medley, 1000 miles, Angeles and Como La Flor.  Continue next.


#He was more powerful than ever. He made ever song sooo perfect and crowd went crazy. I'll make my recap in Chinese tomorrow. I got a good spot close to the stage. I thought the video was good but not sure about the sound effect. It's really late now. I was out for 10 hours and I'm really exhausted. Gengen, take good care of yourself. You have a long way to go. I'll try to upload videos and pic tomorrow. Have fun!!

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credit: littoxaiko

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credit: lisettephacee

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credit: ThinkOfMeArchie

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credit: staceymartinez

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credit: staceymartinez

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credit: staceymartinez

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credit: staceymartinez

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credit: staceymartinez

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credit: staceymartinez

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credit: staceymartinez

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credit: staceymartinez

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#Jason Castro今天出現在演唱會現場!!!(照片)


#他今天唱了Your Eyes Don't Lie

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不但大衛開心,版主更高興 (大衛的小虎牙卡哇一!)。



大家,我們的Sandy要在版主之先,17號就要先去Pomona演唱會看大衛了,她答應要拍些照片和現場報導給我們,版主實在太高興了,請大家給她鼓掌,並且祝她旅途愉快,多帶面紙(擦眼淚),回家馬上傳照片,而且寫份演唱會看後感給我們如何 (English is fine)????Sandy,thank you so much sweetheart.  Enjoy David for all of us!!!

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