今年19歲的英國粉絲Chenson有個自己的大衛部落格,Always Archuleta: alwaysarchuleta ,大家有時間不妨去那裡看看。以一個有深厚音樂背景的人來說,他對大衛的音樂成就上的看法是很值得重視的,例如他提到Dream Theatre的鼓手Mike Portnoy去聽大衛春季演唱會並且和大衛合照的事。




說實話,版主對Mike Portnoy真的一無所知,原來Dream Theatre就像美國地下音樂的教主似的,他們對流行音樂一向嗤之以鼻,所以會去聽大衛,並且合照,還把合照貼在自己的網站上,表示他們對大衛音樂的認可,並不把大衛當成一般的流行歌手來看待。這種認可對於大衛,對於大衛的粉絲都是非常重要的,如果沒有Chenson的介紹,我們也完全不可能了解。



I'm a teenage male music student from the UK with an enormous passion for music. As an aspiring musician my insights into the career of a similarly aged young talent should prove unique as i commentate on progression of David from boy prodigy to music superstar. I am an IDF and fans of david regular and also a moderator of the 'Always Archuleta' discussion board at Hollywood Forums. I plan to expand this site into its own domain away from blogspot if it becomes successful...


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