



前幾天偶然聽到鄉村天后Alison Krauss的精選集即將發行的消息。Alison Krauss,是t除了David以外,我覺得最能直擊我心的歌手,也將是不朽的傳奇。Alison 的vocal非常的清亮,振聾發聵,可是不是一般女歌手那種尖的有些刺耳的聲音(好比說晚期的張清芳〉很難形容,是那種就算唱慢歌,你也會馬上醒來,神清氣爽,銀鈴般的嗓音。26座葛萊美獎,恐怕是女歌手中前無古人後無來者的超級記錄,然而這是由於Alison 的堅持。如此好的vocal‧Alison光靠嗓音跨足流行界,就可以賣出白金唱片〈像When you say nothing at all),但是她堅持留在她發源的起點-Bluegrass(鄉村草根民謠〉,繼續耕耘。縱使草根音樂不好賣,Alison陸續的創作,和各種不同的音樂 人合作〈和鄉村樂團Union nations 合作兩張專輯,和brad paisley合唱 Whiskey lullaby則是我第一次聽見她。最跳tone的則是和Robert Plant合作Raising Sand,搖滾天王和鄉村天后的合作拿下五座葛萊美和白金唱片〉,讓她每張專輯都獲得滾石和各大樂評的賞識,也都能至少賣到金唱片銷售以上。

原本 想介紹When you say nothing at all, 但是大衛寶貝搶先幫我介紹啦!所以我介紹這首lucky one是Union stations和Alison合作的歌中我最喜歡的一首,充分展現Alison的嗓音和bluegrass輕鬆自在中有點小小落寞的曲風。歌詞中也提醒 著我們有這麼多人愛著我們,而沒人恨著我們,我們早已是the lucky one,無比的幸運兒。每當我覺得自己真的是衰到炸時,我就會聽著這首歌〈或著是works for me, 哈哈),然後重新恢復好心情。



you're the lucky one

So i've been told

As free as the wind,

Blowin' down the road

Loved by many, hated by none

I'd say you're lucky 'cause I know what you've done

Not a care in the world

Not a worry in sight

Everything's gunna be alright


Cause you're the lucky one

You're the lucky one

Always havin' fun

A jack of all trades a master none

You look at the world with a smilin' eye

And laugh at the devil as his train goes by

Give you a song and a one night stand

And you'll be looking at a happy man

'cause you're the lucky one.

Well you're blessed i guess

By never knowing which road your choosin.

To you the next best thing

To playin and winning is playin and losing

You're the lucky one i know that now

Don't ask you why, when, where, or how

You look at the world thru your smilin' eye

And laugh at the devil as his train goes by

Give you a song and a one night stand

And you'll be looking at a happy man

'cause you're the lucky one

Well you're blessed i guess

By never knowing which road your choosin.

To you the next best thing

To playin and winning is playin and losing

You're the lucky one i know that now

Don't ask you why, when, where, or how

No matter where you're at, it's where you'll be

You can bet your luck won't follow me

Just give you a song and a one night stand

And you'll be looking at a happy man

Cause you're the lucky one.


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