





Juan把它取名為Angelus In Divum,意思是"天上的天使",並且要獻給所有支持大衛的粉絲


I just finished working on a new piece called "Angelus In Divum" which translates to "Angel In The Sky". This newest piece is dedicated to all of David's fans because they are sooo amazing!
A few days ago I was home sitting on the couch thinking about how much David has brought into my life, yet I failed to realize how much David's fans have also brought into my life. Everywhere I go online they are so welcoming and happy to share thoughts on the current status/whereabouts of David. They have brought out in me a sense of belonging, of love, and kindness. This connection I have had with many fans have led to strong friendships that may have never formed had it not been for David and his music. I hope that whenever they see this piece they are reminded of how incredible and powerful that love they have for David can change lives of others around the world.


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