
Gengen附註:超好聽!!!two thumbs up!!!

應該有很多台灣的大衛迷是在大衛提到本身很欣賞或他在春季巡演時翻唱Love Song後才認識Sara Bareilles吧!雖然常常被稱為混合Fiona AppleNorah Jones風采新世代鋼琴創作才女接班人,但其實Sara從小並沒有受過正式的鋼琴訓練,完全靠著個人興趣和自己努力練習才練就一手好功夫。大學時加入了一個名為Awaken的純人聲為主的團體,平常有空時也會自己創作詩文或歌曲,並積極參加各種音樂表演活動。在持續不斷累積音樂實力後,終於在2005年跟Epic Records簽下一紙合約,並在製作人Eric Rosse全力協助下增進不少錄音技巧,隨後於2007年發行首張專輯「Little Voice」。

In Your Eyes」其實是Peter Gabriel的名作之一,收錄在「So」這張專輯,Sara為了回饋歌迷對她首張專輯的大力支持,特別在改版後加收不插電版本(stripped),有興趣的人可以到YouTube上找原曲來聽聽,就可以知道Sara的音樂造詣到底有多厲害,不僅彈得一手好琴,還可以把這首歌改得別有風貌呢! 





I get so lost sometimes 
Days pass and this emptiness fills my heart 
When I want to run away I drive off in my car 
But whichever way I go

I come back to the place you are 
All my instincts

They return 
The grand facade so soon will burn 
Without a noise

Without my pride 
I reach out from the inside 
I get so lost sometimes 
Days pass, they pass, and this emptiness fills my heart 
When I want to run away I drive off in my car 
But whichever way I go

I come back to the place you are 
All my instincts

They return 
The grand facade so soon will burn 
Without a noise

Without my pride 
I reach out from the inside 
In your eyes

The light, the heat 
I am complete 
I See the doorways of a thousand churches in your eyes 
The resolution of all my fruitless searches 
In Your Eyes 
I don't like to see so much pain 
So much wasted and this moment keeps slipping away 
I get so tired

Working so hard for our survival 
I look to the time with you to keep me awake and alive 
All my instincts

They return 
The grand facade so soon will burn 
Without a noise

Without my pride 
I reach out from the inside 
In your eyes

The light, the heat 
I am complete in your eyes 
See the doorways of a thousand churches 
I will not be that complete 
In your eyes 
I get so lost sometimes


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