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Jordin倒是老神在在,I told you so!(他們兩個真的住在地球上嗎)


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PerezHiltobn真的很愛大衛啊!這次直接在網站上宣傳他的a thousand mile

撇開這個不談,我很喜歡這個標題:"Archie Goes the Distance."在這麼短的時間內,他在事業上已經走了這麼遠,當然我們都希望他未來會有更好的成績!〈還沒有fan pack的去teenarchie登記,teenarchie已經寄給我一份了!)

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The 7 Sexiest Latin Reality TV Stars



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這篇實在是有點八卦,AI8的Adam Lambert不久前出櫃,媒體自然很好奇身為對同性議題持嚴格態度的摩門教徒的大衛的想法。不過大衛顯然一點也不意外,而且很得體真誠的回答了這個問題。


USA today


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根據US NEWS&World Report的報導,華盛頓顯然被ODD攻陷啦!哈哈哈哈!而且這篇報導指出大衛這次的出席為何意義重大。因為我們之前看到的那個富麗堂皇、大衛表演的房間是Benjamin Franklin的外交接待室!位在美國國務院內。能夠受邀在這裡表演絕對不是任何一般歌手能做到的事情 〈何況我們家大衛才出道一年呢!他就已經走到遠的我們無法想像的地步〉。而US NEWS也指出大衛越來越大器了,一點都感覺不到他的緊張〈記者還說,除非國務卿希拉蕊突然出現,他才有可能緊張。哈哈〉。更重要的是表演後,這位記者發現大衛還是以前的大衛,在台下還是會害羞緊張臉紅、忙著簽名,他還是這麼的真誠。看來這位美國甜心真的已經席捲美國政治特區囉!




David Archuleta of American Idol Woos Washington

By Paul Bedard, Washington Whispers

 2008 American Idol runner-up David Archuleta, the 18-year-old who's scored big with his song "Crush," can now add Washington to his list of cities with a crush on him.

What the rest of the country saw on Fox last year, he brought to town to help draw attention to the fourth annual Keeping the Promise to Our Children conference, sponsored by hip-hop's Russell Simmons and Hollywood philanthropist, moviemaker, and punk promoter Daphna Ziman.

Archuleta capped his two-day stay at a dinner for the conference last night. And while stars Shawn King and Terrance Howard performed, too, it was young Archuleta who earned a State Department standing O in the Benjamin Franklin Diplomatic Reception Room. "I'm going to try and accompany myself," the young star nervously told the crowd. Then he sat down at the piano and played an almost-perfect rendition of John Lennon's "Imagine," belting out the song in that powerful but youthful voice that allowed him to get so far on Idol. He then performed Kurt Bestor's "Prayer of the Children" a cappella. The vocal powerhouse told Whispers that he would have been "a little more nervous" if Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had shown up.

The night before, Archuleta and several other stars of the kids conference were feted at Washington's Teatro Goldoni, just named the city's favorite by Washington's restaurant association. Check out our photo gallery of the event.

I'm an Idol fan, so I sought David out and got to sit with him and his dad, Jeff. I knew immediately that he is just as genuine and shy as he appeared to be on the show. He blushed and giggled when people praised his work. He covered his mouth when eating and trying to talk. He gave out autographs. And he dressed the part of a kid, right down to his black Chucks. He described his life since Idol as something of a blur, with little time at home. But he's been a hit on the music and tour scene, selling some 700,000 copies of "Crush." And he and his dad are just beginning work on a Christmas album. Jeff, who did not appear any bit of the ogre he was said to be behind the Idol curtain, is a coproducer. He said the album will include traditional songs like "Silent Night" and up to three written just for David.

USA NEWS&World Report

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O.K,其實USA Today這篇報導是要肯定大衛在D.C天氣惡劣的情況下,還願意出席CUN的活動。而且原來他還自彈自唱Imagine!不過大家都知道的,大衛不管在什麼場合,一定會被問到感情問題的。不過,哈哈哈哈哈,這次他的回答真是太爆笑:If they are younger than me, then it would technically be illegal!!雖然說這樣說也沒錯啦,但你也想太多啦!


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