O.K,其實USA Today這篇報導是要肯定大衛在D.C天氣惡劣的情況下,還願意出席CUN的活動。而且原來他還自彈自唱Imagine!不過大家都知道的,大衛不管在什麼場合,一定會被問到感情問題的。不過,哈哈哈哈哈,這次他的回答真是太爆笑:If they are younger than me, then it would technically be illegal!!雖然說這樣說也沒錯啦,但你也想太多啦!
Archuleta, Union hit D.C. to adopt foster-care issue
"I'm so glad that my hair is pulled back and shellacked abundantly," Vivica Fox joked about the rainy, humid weather.
However, staying pretty wasn't the only thing on her mind at the Children Uniting Nations gala dinner Tuesday night. The non-profit focuses on foster children and other at-risk youth, pairing them with mentors and providing support.
"A lot of us were fortunate to grow up in at least a single-parent home. Imagine not having any parents," Fox said.
Fox joined actors Gabrielle Union and Terrence Howard and American Idol finalist David Archuleta for the gala, held in a dining room at the State Department.
"I have never accompanied myself on Imagine," he admitted. But the important thing is to "get the spirit of the song across."
Oscar-nominated Howard also performed, singing several songs in Spanish and playing the guitar with a three-piece band.
The Iron Man star said he still feels like an orphan after losing his mother to cancer last fall, so he understands the importance of providing homes and love to foster children.
"That's the difference between us and the animals. We actually have the capacity for love. When we hold back that love, we lose a piece of our humanity," Howard said.
Union, whose own mother is fostering two young girls, made it clear that other celebrities can help spread that love to children in need of homes in the USA, rather than going abroad to adopt.
"I would love to say, 'Wait, don't stamp your passport yet! You don't have to go outside (the country),' " she said.
Union, a survivor of rape, planned to stick around in Washington a little longer to lobby the Senate on behalf of the Violence Against Women Act. The actress said Washington feels different with President Obama in the White House.
"It's a little sexier," she said. "Literally, it's a whole new regime change; there's so much fresh blood. And they actually are committed to change. It translates into a sexy feel."
Sexiness was lost on Archuleta, however. He's a prime target for the teen love craze in Hollywood, but he doesn't seem fazed by romance at all. He's going on tour with Disney star Demi Lovato this summer, but don't expect any sparks to fly just yet. "I've only talked to her twice."
Asked if he has his eye on any other celebrities, he deadpans, "No" and explains that he isn't into the Miley Cyruses of the world for a very good reason.
"If they are younger than me, then it would technically be illegal," he said with a laugh. "I wouldn't mind going on a fun date."