Sorry for all the noise in the background with the yard workers. And sorry if I look a little scary and seem a little loopy. I'm not a morning person haha. But thought I'd make a blog while I had the time. In LA rehearsing for the My Kind of Christmas Tour this week. Had a great time shooting the "Wait" music video in Hong Kong. Pandora Unforgettable Holiday Moments on Ice was last week with Mannheim Steamroller and will air Nov. 27 on NBC. Going back to Utah for Glad Christmas Tidings CD promo. Went to San Diego to visit the Invisible Children Offices and went to Phil's BBQ. Working with Child Fund on the tour.
Had a good time in Okinawa! Was supposed to be going to Bangkok, Thailand soon but there are really bad floods going on right now there that are really serious. All my best to you guys out there! Think I'm going to go for some visits today.
A little friend of mine Berkley wanted to sing for all of you. haha. Also just wanted to talk about a road trip I took this week which was pretty fun. Going to Okinawa, Japan next week which will be way cool!
Glad to let you guys know that the Christmas shows for this year in the U.S. are now up on!! Can't wait to perform for the Holidays this year.
Back home for a bit helping my sister out a bit. Thanks everyone for all your help! Went to Washington DC and Arizona this last week and had a good ol' time.
First off, a big thanks again to all the Asian fans for a great trip over there! Been having a nice time back in the US, and hoping to do some more hiking and camping haha. Met a really remarkable kid named Marius. You can check out more about him on