American Idol finalist, David Archuleta, was spotted in the Manila Philippines Temple before the concert with David Cook. David Archie, who was born as a Latter-Day Saint (a.k.a Mormon) never once in a while forget his obligation to the Lord. Sources revealed that his aunt even perform proxies or were baptized in behalf of the dead for an ordinance that Latter-Day Saints perform in the holy temples. There are many sacred ordinances done in the temple such as Temple or Celestial Marriage, Family Sealing, Endowment and Baptism for the Dead. David Archie and his family dropped by the temple to perform some.
According to a friend, David Archuleta even sang, “Be Still My Soul”, in Guadalupe Chapel, Bonifacio Ward, of the LDS Church during their congregational hymn. Wow they had him sing for free! hehe.
David Archuleta really proves that despite all his fame and success, he still wouldn’t be accomplish things without the Lord’s help. He only gave a very good example of a faithful servant of the Lord and a real American Idol.
這個影片是重溫舊夢,去年大衛擔任Osmond兄弟聖誕晚會的特別來賓時,和他們合唱Amazing Grace。他一個人的聲音比全部Osmond加起來還要渾厚有力(不過那些Osmond的怎麼都長的這麼高哪?),難怪snarkyarchies的標語就是David is greater than all boybands!!
大衛最近頻頻出現在fireside的活動(想必他以後有機會也會如此),我們這些不是摩門教徒的人可能一輩子也聽不到他唱聖歌了,幸好他去年初參加一場教會活動時唱Mary Did You Know的演唱被個粉絲拍下來(雖然他後來給人罵的半死,說這個怎麼能拍,不過我們是非常感謝他的)。大家聽聽他去年聲音還沒有現在這麼棒的時候唱這首歌就好聽成這樣,現在唱不知道會美妙成甚麼樣子?Jive大哥,聖誕專輯麻煩收一下!!!!