不過今天大衛這次在EKS Challenge表演之後 ,很罕見的表示 現場的觀眾是one of my favorite crowd!
趕快來感受一下現場氣氛,有live版的 the other side of down!!!!
credit: daai08
不過今天大衛這次在EKS Challenge表演之後 ,很罕見的表示 現場的觀眾是one of my favorite crowd!
趕快來感受一下現場氣氛,有live版的 the other side of down!!!!
credit: daai08
Miracle Jeans Day也是由Children's Miracle Network主辦的慈善活動,他們會把募款金額全數捐給他們在美國各地有合作的醫院,有興趣的人可以到活動官網看看!
The Miracle Jeans Day concept is simple. Individuals or groups can participate in Miracle Jeans Day by supporting Children's Miracle Network with a minimum donation of just $5. In return, participants can choose from memorable Miracle Jeans Day merchandise to wear with their jeans on September 15, 2010. All funds raised go directly to the Children's Miracle Network hospital in your community. Go casual for kids by wearing jeans on September 15, 2010 to support your local Children's Miracle Network hospital.
幾個來自Golden Archies的粉絲最近幫Make-A-Wish基金會募款,並且在Kansas City的VIP把證明書獻給大衛,當作是給大衛的生日禮物。
credit:Fans of David
David Archuleta sings "I'll Be Home For Christmas" from Tammy on Vimeo.
WYMG, a classic rock station, in Springfield, Illinois, has an All Request Marathon where they will play ANY song by ANY artist (does not have to be Christmas music). This is to raise money for their Christmas Wish program. They request a $20 donation per song played. You mail them a check (or drop off cash or check at the station). They do not take credit cards. Payment is on the honor system; they do not send you a bill. I have requested "O Holy Night" and "I'll be Home for Christmas" which will be played Friday between 7am and 8am CST. I told Liz the DJ about Christmas from the Heart, the duet with Charice Pempengco and her connection with Oprah, and Liz was familiar with her (and, of course, David even though she is a rock fan)! I also emailed Liz and told her that David will be in concert in Waukegan on 12/11/09 so hopefully she will announce that also!
This is from their emails and website:
Lynch and Liz are taking over 100.5 WYMG from 6am to 6pm CST on Friday, 12/04/09. They're taking your requests and donations to benefit WYMG's Christmas Wish. Request a song and help those in need.
All Request Marathon Broadcast to benefit WYMG's Christmas Wish program--helping those in need in Central Illinois who have demonstrated compassion toward others.
Phone in song requests to: 217-787-ROCK or 217-787-ROLL ($20 donation accepted per request.)
Mail $20 donation per song to:
3501 East Sangamon Avenue
Springfield, IL 62707
Listen Live here: http://www.wymg.com/ Click on "Listen Live" in the upper right hand corner
A week ago last Friday I lost a very dear friend to cancer. We met at work over 10 years ago and when her breast cancer metastasized 3 years ago to other parts of her body she left work.
We stayed in touch and she often would ask me about David. Some of you may even remember a month ago I wrote a little piece of how, after listening to David’s speech at the Women’s Conference he inspired me to go see her. I had never visited a dying friend before but after hearing David talk about visiting the widows in his neighborhood and how reaching out even if it’s just a smile can make someone’s day I decided to overcome my fears and to go see her. I called her up and the first thing she asked was if David’s CD had come out…luckily I had one on my desk.
I went to see her and placed Christmas From the Heart in her hand. We talked and laughed and cried and then I left.
A few days after that, I got a call from her son. He told me that his mom had been asleep, woken up and asked to hear the CD. He told me she wanted to thank me and he wanted me to know to know that it was THE PERFECT GIFT. He said it with such sincerity that tears immediately came to my eyes and I was so grateful to David for encouraging me to go see her.
This morning I went to her funeral. It was a lovely Catholic ceremony with a church full of her friends and family. Towards the end of the ceremony her son got up to speak. He talked about his mom, how gracious and classy she was. He said something that I had never known; he told us that she loved Christmas music and that she listened to it year round. You can imagine how happy I was to hear that.
He went on and talked about a family trip they had taken as kids….listening to a CD half way across the country from California to Kansas. A few minutes later he talked about what happened last Monday.
He said he and his sister were talking while my friend was asleep, deeply asleep. They were talking about the CD they had listened to on their half way across the country trip. My friend awoke, asked her son to look in the drawer and to put the CD on. He told the congregation it was a CD her friend janey from work had given her. He put the CD on and she asked him to turn it up.
David’s voice filled the house.
Her son noticed a single tear on his mom’s face. He told us that a wonderful peace filled the room; he said it was a moment he and his sister would never forget.
he said….the moment….was truly …. MAGICAL.
After the services I went up and introduced myself to my friend’s son. We talked a bit and I asked him, “what was the CD you were listening to on the way to Kansas?”
his reply...Olivia Newton John!
I told him where David was this afternoon, how he was with Olivia and how he was performing at an event celebrating survivors of women’s cancers. He was blown away and could barely believe it. He asked me to tell his sister.
I know what they’ll be watching on Thanksgiving day.
大衛和Angels For A Cause將與Lisa Lopes基金會合作募款一萬美金來替宏都拉斯興建醫學中心。原來宏都拉斯是中美洲第二貧窮的國家,而且是中美洲愛滋病罹患率最高的國家,2008年有150萬人沒有接受醫療服務的管道。
另外非常重要的是台灣的希望之道之磚上到底要寫甚麼?Taiwan loves David嗎?這樣好像太直接了,Pass it Forward嗎?大家覺得寫甚麼好呢?
對不起這個標題長的要命,不過不這樣寫不能表達出這個義賣的意思是甚麼,是Angels for a Cause網站發起的,一些粉絲為了給RSO募款,去蓋給印度痲瘋病小孩的學校,共同創作了這個用碎布拼湊成的床單和靠墊,上面除了有大衛的照片之外,還有一些大衛的名句,例如haha,gosh等等,大衛也在8月8號的時候在這些作品上簽了名,再加上大衛聖誕專輯,從10月1號午夜12點開始在ebay上義賣,到10月10號晚上12點結束。
這就是大衛今天在twitter上叫我們去看的影片,只要看了影片,Jumba Fund就會捐錢給Invisible Children哦(這兩個月)!影片我看不見,聽看過的人說好像滿好笑的,然後DILF是甚麼,自己去google吧,因為這個部落格是PG-13的,Gen姐不敢寫!還有Kev Jumba才19歲哦,真是英雄出少年,跟我們的寶貝一樣!(Thanks for watching and subscribing to JumbaFund, every view on this video raises money toward charity!)
相信大家都知道大衛目前有個公益募款叫做Rising Star Outsearch,大家千萬別認為遙不可及!!各位都可以加入大衛募款的一員,因為新加坡粉絲Larissa將協助大家將捐款集資捐給此活動!身為大衛粉絲的大家,除了聽大衛的歌,看大衛,想大衛,是不是也該參與大衛發起的活動呢?拜託拜託各位,這就如同莫拉克颱風賑災一樣急需您的幫助!
* 活動簡述:
To Heartfire,
Thanks for doing what you do! Keep it up & keep helping those kids! You're making a difference in their lives!
David Archuleta
To the Qinghai kids,
Always follow your dreams! You can accomplish what your heart desires. Anything is possible! You just have to believe, +work hard for it. All the best, David Archuleta
這個Don Ashely自從發表了他對大衛參加他們fireside活動的看法之後,他從大衛粉絲那裡得到的迴響真把他嚇壞了,他說他收到了幾千封email大家相信嗎(我相信,大衛粉絲都很瘋狂的)。請大家看完也去給他留個言,讓他知道大衛粉絲不但跨越年齡,也跨越國界!!!
info&scan credit: fansofdavid