對不起這個標題長的要命,不過不這樣寫不能表達出這個義賣的意思是甚麼,是Angels for a Cause網站發起的,一些粉絲為了給RSO募款,去蓋給印度痲瘋病小孩的學校,共同創作了這個用碎布拼湊成的床單和靠墊,上面除了有大衛的照片之外,還有一些大衛的名句,例如haha,gosh等等,大衛也在8月8號的時候在這些作品上簽了名,再加上大衛聖誕專輯,從10月1號午夜12點開始在ebay上義賣,到10月10號晚上12點結束。
During the seventh season of American Idol, people across the world came to know and love the beautiful voice and talent of 18 year old vocal artist David Archuleta.
For the past year, Archuleta has traveled across the United States, into Canada, and overseas to Malaysia, Singapore, the UK, and the Philippines sharing his voice and music with his rapidly growing fan base. When not performing on stage, David uses his voice and spirit for another purpose. He works diligently to raise awareness and encourage participation in charities to benefit others. David's inspirational message and giving spirit, have propelled many into positive action in support of his targeted charities.
The organization "Angels For A Cause," composed of David Archuleta fans works cooperatively or in teams to achieve designated goals. One of David's identified charities, RISING STAR OUTREACH (RSO), works to improve the lives of individuals affected with leprosy in India.
Funding is currently being sought to build and furnish a new school for the leprosy-affected children. Fueled by desire for RSO to reach its goal, a team of "Angels For A Cause" members called "Hearts & Hands" have worked to create something very unique and special.
With contributions of supplies, embroidery, and construction efforts from team members nationwide, a "David inspired" quilted throw and pillow have been lovingly created. The two pieces include hand embroidered "fan chosen David Archuleta phrases" and were both autographed by David himself on August 8th, 2009. At this time, he expressed great appreciation for the efforts being made to benefit RSO.
Both items titled "Gifts From The Heart," will be auctioned and will also include the (soon to be released) David Archuleta Christmas album "CHRISTMAS FROM THE HEART"(currently available by preorder on Amazon.com).
Bids for the items can be placed separately on e-bay.com from October 1st at 12 midnight ET through October 10th with the auction ending on October 10th, 2009 at 12 midnight ET. ALL proceeds to benefit RSO. To learn more about Rising Star Outreach, visit risingstaroutreach.org