#If you really have a desire to do something, you should do it," he said. "Even if it's a hard path to take, even if it has big hills and scary trees that might scratch you when you push them out of the way, you should do it. It's the hard things that make us learn in life. (我在美國念完書後一個人去大陸旅行了5個月,因為我害怕單獨旅行,所以我要克服對單獨旅行的恐懼,如果不能單獨旅行,這輩子就有很多事都不能做了很多地方不能去了)
#being honest with yourself, cuz lying to yourself leads to lying to others--not good(非常正確,但是對自己誠實有時候是最難的,人騙自己的能力非常強,好讓自己不面對想逃避的真相)
#Even if you don't know what your potential is, Someone up above does。(這種對生命和神的信任,我花了不知道多少年才勉強入門,他才18歲就可以侃侃而談了,好佩服他!)
另外他還說到他16歲的時候(要參加AI的時候),他跟神祈禱,問神他該不該去試試看,這段也很感人。he prayed about trying out and although he didn't think God would care about some 10th grade kid kneeling down in his room, he got an answer and felt really strongly that that was what he was supposed to do.