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"Hey, everyone! "Christmas From the Heart" will be available tomorrow. *AHHH* I'm excited. *giggles* Tomorrow, tomorrow, it's exciting, tomorrow. Anyway, I hope that you guys will check it out and like it. But I'm excited. *AHHH* Anyway. Bye!"


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GengenW 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()




David says: Hey, guys! I want to share some exciting news with you all! I've been working pretty hard on the Christmas album and it's almost DONE! I know it's kind of early to start spreading the holiday cheer, but I wanted to let you know that my Christmas album called Christmas From the Heart will be available on October 13th! So, I hope you guys will check it out! And I'm just really excited-- I've been working a lot on this and working hard. So I'm excited for you guys to all listen to it. So, I hope you all enjoy it and let me know what you think of it when it comes out! I'd love to hear your thoughts. Take care.

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"Hey, guys, it's David! I just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Labor Day. I know that there's no school, so I just wanted to see what you guys were ending up to. You know how I always like to hear what you guys do, especially when the stories get interesting. So should leave me a message. Thanks!"




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“Hey, it's David. I want to wish you all a happy Memorial Day weekend-- the official start to summer. I know I'm looking forward to my summer, which will mostly be spent on tour with Demi Lovato. And I'm really excited about. So I hope to see you guys on the tour and I hope you guys have fun. So leave me a message and tell me how you're spending your summer. It's always cool to know what interesting things are going on and whatnot. Thanks and enjoy your weekend!"

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Picture 8.png

Picture 7.png


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Picture 33.png

scan&info credit:fansofdavid



GengenW 發表在 痞客邦 留言(4) 人氣()


其實版主也接到大衛的電話了,叫我們大家去玩“大衛瘋了”,還說最近的通關語是guitar,然後唱了兩句move along,move along,好可愛。


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OHMYDAVID!!!  大衛先跟我們唱了If anyone can make me fall in love, you can,現在又唱I just called to say I love you,他是要讓我們粉絲都愛他愛到昏倒嗎?



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大衛請大家幫他跟電台要求播放A Little Too Not Over You,然後談到第八季參賽者的一些表演。


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