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just jared


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大衛寶貝這個禮拜真是新聞發不完,CUN, fan bundle還有媒體莫名其妙紛紛問他意見的Adam Lambert出櫃



David Archuleta Not Surprised By Adam Lambert's Coming Out
The season-seven 'American Idol' runner-up thinks Lambert wasn't 'sneaky and secret' about being gay.

Seventh-season "American Idol" runner-up David Archuleta is standing behind eighth-season runner-up Adam Lambert's decision to announce that he is gay. Following the outpour of support from "Idol" judges, fellow contestants and fans, Archuleta announced his respect for Lambert and downplayed the overall significance of the revelation.

"I know it's always interesting and surprising and shocking [to people] when they say those things, but that's up to them, it's their lives," Archuleta said, according to a report from Rolling Stone. "I don't think it was a big surprise."

Archuleta was speaking in Washington, D.C., where he attended the Children Uniting Nations gala and performed a fan favorite from his "Idol" days, John Lennon's "Imagine."

Addressing Lambert's decision to stay mum on his sexuality throughout the talent competition, Archuleta said, "I don't think he was trying to be all sneaky and secret about it. I'm sure he was happy with who he was and stuff, it's not like he was ashamed."

Like many of the people MTV News has spoken with about the revelation, Archuleta was not surprised when Lambert came out of the closet. "I just kind of assumed it; I think everyone else did too," he said. "I don't think it's a bad thing or anything."

Remarking that Lambert was "really cool" when the singers met at a recent "Idol" performance, Archuleta went on to pay respect to the man's talent. "He seems really confident when he's onstage, but I don't think it comes across as cocky or anything, and when I talked to him, it seemed like he was appreciating everything that was going on, and he was really grateful for those opportunities that he had," he said.


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Hey guys,It’s David here大集合!!會頭暈真的!!




大衛爆笑時刻-第四集!!(太經典了!!!but ummm.....and ummmm...還有Lady Gaga趕快帶大衛去barney's見識見識!!)



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以下為報導大綱 :


"我會為了舒適而穿過大的衣服 , 襯衫顏色要配牛仔褲,因為我想這就是種搭配方式.但我逐漸學習到那些都好"高中調調"而且打扮好是能夠為表演加分的."

2.大衛甚至向記者承認 "有時會希望自己有像David Cook的搖滾味 ,喜歡V領tee或背心這類比較時髦的東西,但或許鑒於我個性的關係,(造型師)總傾向把我打扮得很學院風",


4. "就時尚而言,在Murray並有太多!"(記者說這裡也就是大衛以前"大大寬寬鬆鬆"的來源地哈哈哈哈)


6.大衛最喜歡的服飾: 荷蘭丹寧品牌g-star , 有peace圖案的tee,還有Marc Jacobs!!!!!!!

(OH MY GOSH!!大衛竟然會喜歡Marc Jacobs???!!!我只能說我越來越愛你了!!!也就是最近剛跟男友訂婚的美國設計師,他的設計很年輕很有創意又很酷,而他也是LV現任創意總監,這可是精品品牌!!!有興趣想看他的設計的人可以洽在下Wagu)


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因為大衛粉絲的熱烈要求,AOl radio將在明天把zero gravity加入旗下電台的播放清單!AOL radio旗下有將近200家電台,這的確是個好消息!

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也在L.A的AI好友Castro twitter來關心!


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以下是Snarky Archie一位粉絲的故事。這位粉絲在Fan bundle發行的當天,就gift一份fan bundle給他家附近的電台Kiss98.5,結果當他兩天後開車上班時,聽到DJ播放a thousand miles!而且DJ甚至說原唱的A thousand miles應該全部改成大衛的版本!〈Vanessa抱歉啦)

I’m not sure this had anything to do with it, but I gifted my radio station with David’s Fan Bundle the other night when it became available.   So this morning as I was driving in to work, I was listening to Kiss98.5 in Buffalo, and heard Janet and Nick, the DJ’s gushing about David Archuleta, lol!  Janet was saying that she loves David and his voice, it’s so smooth and silky.  One of the things she loved about his performance at Kissmas Bash in December was his version of A Thousand Miles, and she was very happy to see that he recorded it and it’s now available on iTunes! WOAH! At this point I was calling Becky and Pastel and squeeing messages to them over the phone about it.  Then I heard Janet say, “So here it is, David Archuleta’s A Thousand Miles” and THEY PLAYED IT ON THE RADIO!!!  It sounded AWESOME, you guys!!  Can you tell I was fangirling all over the place?   So I called Becky again and left another squeeing message that they were playing it.  After the song was over, Janet continued to gush about David, saying he is a good friend of the radio station and they are trying to get him back for this year’s Kissmas Bash. Woooooot!  So then Nick said, “So they should just erase the original version of that song, and just go with this one, is that what you’re saying, Janet?”  And she replied, “Yes, I love that song and I especially love the way David Archuleta sings it. So if you love A Thousand Miles go to iTunes and download it today.”   Well, that made my week.  OK, I’m done…..

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