昨天在Square雜誌的那篇採訪,中間大衛提到他剛完成Eagle Scout老鷹童子軍的任務要求,還說他本來以為做不到的,可是盡力之後,還是完成了,所以他很開心。這件事發生在去年11月,雖然有點久了,不過為了要讓大家了解這件事的來龍去脈,同時這件事又非常能夠表現大衛的真實自我,所以不可不補報。
他在11月21號發的部落格帖子裡寫到:I also just wanted to let you guys know really quick that I had enough time this week to work on my scouting! I tried to do as much as I could earlier this week while I had some time off since I was home for a fewdays. And then.. I had my eagle project yesterday! I got a bunch offriends together to help me plant some small trees and shrubs at a park, and we planted 180 plants. I’m so excited about this guys! I didn’t think I’d ever have the time this year to work on my scouting, but we pushed for it. Completing this is a really big thing for me, especially since I was wondering if I’d even be able to get it haha. But I’ll let you know when I get everything wrapped up with that.
附註:Eagle Scout是美國童子軍階級裡的最高一階,一旦得到頭銜可以終生保持,要進階到這個階級,申請人必須完成21個merit badges,每個merit