The Fray,SecondHand Serenade是大衛喜歡並且願意成為一員的樂團,大衛還說他正在練習用吉他自彈自唱Secondhand Serenade的Your Call,因為他想在個人演唱會表演這首歌(媽呀,我也不知道這首歌是甚麼東東,待下回分解)。
大衛又談到兩首他現在很喜歡的歌(他只要談到音樂就眉飛色舞),Nothing Much by Lady Gaga和Untouched by The Veronicas。
最喜歡的兩張專輯:Where the Light Is by John Mayer,Blue by Joni Mitchell
百聽不厭的專輯:Natasha Beddingfield,Natasha的These Words讓大衛開始想要創作歌曲。
“I think there are some things in life that you are supposed to do before you die. If you are still alive you still need to fight to do something. [FF; Stay alive until you have completed everything?] I don’t know, I don’t think you can ever complete everything, you can always keep doing things and improving on things.
It all depends, I would say if you’re still alive, you still need to be doing stuff. If you are having health complications then it’s a different story, but it’s always sad with those kinds of things because there are young people who are really fighting and we can really learn so much from those people. It teaches you to appreciate things in life a lot more.
There was a little girl I met for Make A Wish and she was fighting cancer and it was so sad to see her fighting so hard. It took her almost five minutes to smile for a picture or to say a word. She is such a strong little girl and I learnt so much from her. Those things remind you how important what you have really is; those things in life make you appreciate things in life even more.”