Q:American Idol結束後,你都在做什麼呢?
整個夏天我都在參加AI的巡迴演唱會以及錄製11月發行的專輯。在這過程中我做了很多表演,包含在紐約麥迪遜花園廣場的那場。夾在Kayne West和Chris Brown等人之間表演感覺很怪〈一點都不奇怪,大衛你已經紅啦!看來shannon是對的,大衛永遠不會變的jaded)。
我一直覺得自己要去參賽還不夠好。我十二歲的時候贏得了STAR SEARCH這個比賽節目。可是當時我的聲帶麻痺了,影響到演唱,後來我甚至覺得再也不能唱歌了。之後我接受聲帶復健並決定參加AI的海選。我差一點沒有去參加海選,因為我覺得沒有道理把時間和金錢花在那裡,但是我在最後一刻還是決定參加,而且辭去了在我家附近的劇院管音效和燈光的暑假工作。
昨晚有人送給我一隻海綿麥克風,讓我在洗澡時也可以唱歌。(這是甚麼跟甚麼?以前大衛老說他收過最奇怪的禮物是一個剝櫻桃的東西, 看來這個海綿麥克風打敗了那個櫻桃)
Q:你在My Space上有十四萬個朋友,是你本人接受他們的邀請嗎?
其實是別人代勞的,但我每個禮拜都會更新照片和發新貼。跟粉絲建立好關係是非常重要的。看看粉絲寫些什麼是很有趣的,大部分的人老是說我愛你,但也有人留言很有趣。(So, from now on,find some cool things to tell David instead of rambling I LOVE YOU non-stop。elysion說的)
我知道那個人!但我從未見過他或被被誤認成他。如果能見面應該很有趣,他是個拳擊手,跟我完全相反,如果我們在拳擊場見面他一定會痛宰我。(cute to say that)
What have you been up to since American Idol finished?
We went on the American Idol tour over the summer and during that time I was working on my album which came out in November.
I've been doing a lot of promos for it since, including one at Madison Square Garden - it was so weird as I was between Kanye West and Chris Brown! It was really intimidating but so exciting.
Are you sick of singing your new single Crush yet?
I'm not sick of it, I really like the song. It takes a while for me to get sick of a song - if it's on the radio a lot I get sick of it. But I don't listen to my own songs on the radio anyway because that's just weird.
You were very young when American Idol first started, were you counting down the days until you were old enough to audition?
I thought I was never good enough to do it. I did a show called Star Search when I was 12 but during that I got vocal paralysis, which had an effect on my singing and I thought there's no way after that.
Then I took some vocal therapy and decided to audition. I almost didn't because I thought there was no point in wasting all that money and time when I didn't think I'd get very far.
But I decided at the last minute and had to quit my summer job running the lights and sound at an amphitheatre near my house.
![]() David Archuleta lost out in the American Idol final to David Cook
What do you think of Simon Cowell?
I really like Simon. Everyone's really like, "he's a jerk and scary and mean" but I think he's really nice. He had a lot of good things to say on the show and if they weren't positive, it was to help motivate you to do better.
You're now a teen heart-throb in the US but I read recently that you've yet to have your first kiss - how is this possible?
I've never had a girlfriend - I've just always felt too young to be into that stuff.
I think that people at school start too soon and haven't matured enough to worry about it and understand what they're feeling. I don't want to let myself get confused too quickly and I'm just waiting for the right girl.
It's weird because I didn't have a lot of offers before and now I get a lot.
What's the most random gift a fan has sent you?
Last night, I got this sponge microphone so when you're in the shower you can pretend you're singing - that was really weird - I've not used it yet!
You've got almost 140,000 friends on MySpace - do you accept them all yourself?
Someone else accepts all the friends but I update my blogs and pictures. You have to build a relationship with your fans, so I think it's a really important thing to do.
It's fun to read what people have to say and it gets them more involved. Most of them are saying the same thing like "I love you" but a bunch of them have really cool things to say.
![]() Archuleta received the Teen Choice Award for most fanatic fans in 2008
How do you stay a typical teen?
By remembering my values and things that help me stay strong through all of this. I don't think I've changed that much as a person, it's just people now know who I am.
Of course I'm going to start changing from the experience I have but I still have the same friends and I'm still David to them and my family.
Are you going to watch the new series of American Idol?
I'm going to try - especially now I know what they've gone through because I know how it feels. I've always been a fan of the show and they find some really good, talented people.
What do you think of the new rules like not showing so many of the car-crash auditions?
A lot of people like those but I always felt bad for them. They do so much waiting and it takes a lot of time to commit to something like that so I'm glad they're changing that.
Did you know there is a kickboxer called David Archuleta and have you ever been mistaken for him?
I've heard about him! I've never met him or been mistaken for him. But it'd be kind of funny to meet him because we have the same name and he's a kickboxer which is the opposite thing to me - and because I'd probably die if I was in a kickboxing match.
Crush is out now. David Archuleta was talking to BBC entertainment reporter Genevieve Hassan.