Holy Cow!版主看到這篇報導心中的第一句話就是媽媽咪呀!這個Buzzworthy也有個大衛熊熊,她稱呼大衛為:America’s favorite Idol runner-upper/ full-time Cutie von Cuterson(AI最愛亞軍全職可愛到最高點先生)(這不是太有創意了嗎?),而且她報導大衛新聞的方式和版主這個瘋狂大衛粉絲是不是有異曲同工之妙?(不過她的文筆比版主好,版主必需要承認,她寫得太好笑了),而且她從哪裡找到一張大衛在Pro Bowl唱國歌這麼可愛的照片?版主非常嫉妒她。
Just as I was drifting off to sleep last night, in that weird not-quite-sleeping/not-quite-awake state, I was stricken with a thought so intense that I was propelled forth out of my bed and swept away to my computer, causing an unfortunate mishap whereby my Archi-Teddy was knocked to the floor and almost eaten by my dog!
Anyway, that thought was: What on EARTH has America’s favorite Idol runner-upper/ full-time Cutie von Cuterson David Archuleta been up to lately?
In case you too were wondering what David Archuleta’s been up to, here’s the latest Archu-scoop. “ROP!”
+ Always a do-gooder, our Archi-baby recently joined DoSomething.org as the (cutest! sweetest! little) face of their newly launched campaign on disaster relief. And he’s exclusively focused on REAL disasters, people… not these sorts of disasters). (Archuleta Fan Scene)
+ David is on tour! His shows are mostly sold out (duh) but he’s getting some rave reviews along the way so far. (See previous “duh.”) (Boston Herald, Star Exponent)
+ Arch Madness is under way! There are clues, and codes and it all seems slightly confusing, but I’ll play because it’s probs lots of Archie fun! (David Archuleta Network)
+ We’re all, obvs, still kind of reeling over the news that Archie’s gonna be on an upcoming Hannah Montana episode! Miley Cyrus + David Archuleta!? FULL ON BEST OF BOTH WORLDS! (Buzzworthy)
+ David made a video in the Atlanta Airport, and he said POO!!! OOOH! (Just Jared Jr.)
+ David will be on Radio Disney with KSM (yay!) and Jesse McCartney (mmm!) tomorrow! (Archuleta Avenue)
Phew! Lots of Archi-tivities to stay on top of — and I will stay on top of them all!
Love to love u, Arch!