雖然我還沒有參加過AI冠軍Cook的演唱會,但是看到亞軍Archuleta禮拜天晚上在House of Blues由15首流行歌曲組成、熱力四射、整整九十分鐘的演出後,我感覺上一季美國人顯然投錯人了,才會把大多數的票投給搖滾歌手Cook而不是投給抒情歌王Archuleta。(I can’t agree more.)
他也的確知道如何與群眾互動。為了爭取夢寐以求的前排位置,各種年齡層、各種性別的粉絲在星期天早上10點左右就開始排隊,這位亞軍也讓他們一切的辛苦都值回票價。他穿著牛仔褲,把袖子捲起來的黑色襯衫和一條灰色方格子領帶出現在舞台上,開始演唱Touch my hands,選擇這條歌開場非常正確也有效,大衛也確保他碰觸到了從前排每隻奮力向他伸出的手。
緊接的是Barriers,在他的專輯裡,這首歌有點製作過度,可是甩掉了所有亂七八糟的錄音室添加物之後,聽聽他的現場演唱,這首歌其實是首相當不錯的流行歌曲。同樣的情形也發生在他稍後表演的Don’t let go身上,不禁讓人開始期待他能發行一張現場收音專輯。(這點寫的非常精準,don’t let go跟barrier專輯版修飾地太兇。其實大衛是live才能展現實力的歌手,沒有必要太多的後製)
To Be With You, AI新評審Kara DioGuardi寫的歌,是當晚的另一個高潮。這是首簡單甜美的抒情歌曲,大衛用感人的真摯呈現這首歌所有的希望與渴望。
當晚大衛也展現出他成為動感歌手的潛力,如果他想要走這條路的話(終於有人注意到了)。電音風味的Zero Gravity(一首他跟吉他手Matthew Gerrard合寫,沒有收錄在專輯內的作品)讓大衛樂隊和聽眾都不禁為之手舞足蹈,如果好好處理,這首歌的夜店混音版可以讓他攻進年齡層稍大的粉絲群。
AI的評審一直強調選歌的重要性,而大衛顯然也牢牢記住了這個建議。雖然他首張專輯中大部分的歌曲可以被稱為是過耳既忘的流行音樂,當選對歌曲的時候,他的才華是顯而易見的(跟之前在Allen town的報導剛好相反,該篇報導認為大衛唱自己的歌更好。不過也點出了第一張專輯出的是有點急,歌曲的素質可能跟不上大衛的vocal)。在他表演由他最喜歡的曲子構成的組曲(組曲由他能得到許可演唱的歌曲:U2的One, Des’ree’s 的You Gotta Be, Sara Bareilles的Love Song以及 Jason Mraz的I’m Yours所組成),和安可曲時(Vanessa Carlton的A Thousand Miles以及Robbie Williams的 Angels),他展現了當晚最優美的聲音表演。
Though I have yet to see “American Idol” winner David Cook alone in concert, after watching runner-up David Archuleta burn through a 90-minute set of pop songs Sunday night at the House of Blues, I’m inclined to say that America may have gotten it wrong last season when the majority voted for the rocker Cook over the crooner Archuleta.
There is a pure, pleasant pop quality to Archuleta’s tenor voice and just enough raspy soul to add shape, color and weight to the tone.
And he sure knows how to work a crowd. Fans at the all-ages, general-admission show began lining up around 10 a.m. Sunday for the coveted spaces close to the stage. The “Idol” runner-up made it worth their while when he took the stage in jeans, a black shirt with the sleeves rolled up and a gray square tie to perform “Touch My Hand.” It was a calculated and obvious choice to begin the show, and Archuleta made darn sure he touched just about every hand thrust towards him from the first couple of rows of people.
He immediately followed the opener with “Barriers,” a song that felt too over-produced on the album but is a pretty decent pop song when performed live, stripped of all of its post-production studio shenanigans. The same also held true for “Don’t Let Go,” which Archuleta performed later in the evening. It almost makes you wish he’d release a live album.
“To Be With You,” written by new “Idol” judge Kara DioGuardi, was another highlight of the evening; it’s a sweet and simple little ballad about hope and longing that Archuleta song with heartfelt sincerity.
Archuleta also showed he has a future as a dance recording artist if he so chooses; the techno-flavored “Zero Gravity” (a song which he co-wrote with guitarist Matthew Gerrard that didn’t make it onto the album) had Archuleta,his band and the crowd jumping around; in the right hands a club remix of that song could earn him a slightly older audience.
“Idol” judges are forever going on about song choice, and it’s advice that Archuleta appears to have taken to heart. While much of the music on his debut album could easily be dismissed as forgettable pop music, there’s no denying his talent when he has the right material. Archuleta had the strongest vocal showing of the night during a medley of his favorite songs (the ones he could get the licenses for, anyway; U2’s “One,” Des’ree’s “You Gotta Be,” Sara Bareilles’ “Love Song” and Jason Mraz’s “I’m Yours”) and his two encore numbers (Vanessa Carlton’s “A Thousand Miles” and Robbie Williams’ “Angels”).