The Ultimate David Archuleta Test
Test your knowledge of David Archuleta and see if you’re a true O.D.D.-filled Arch Angel.
- NO CHEATING! That means no researching for your answers. There’s a lot of tough questions that only a true fan
would know and understand.
- There’s 125 questions, and you need to get at least 70 right to be called a true O.D.D.-filled Ach Angel.
1. What’s David’s middle name?
A. Daniel
B. James
C. Jeffery
D. Roland
2. What’s David’s birth date?
A. 12-27-90
B. 11-28-90
C. 12-28-90
D. 12-26-90
3. What’s David’s fave color?
A. Orange
B. Green
C. Yellow
D. All of the above. The citrus fruit colors!
4. What’s David’s fave food?
A. Pad Thai
B. Salad
C. Pizza
D. Cinnamon
5. How big is David’s fish Conditioner?
A. As big as David’s foot
B. As big as Amber
C. As big as a Sharpie
D. As big as David’s hand
6. Which is David not?
A. Irish
B. Italian
C. Honduran
D. Basque
7. What’s David’s fave movie?
A. Finding Nemo
B. A Walk To Remember
C. Horton Hears A Who
D. Wall-E
8. What’s David’s fave cartoon?
A. Family Guy
B. Phineas And Ferb
C. Foster’s Home For Imaginary Friends
D. Spongebob Squarepants
9. Which hand does David write with?
A. Left
B. Right
10. Where were David and his friends when he got the nickname Lettuce Boy?
A. McDonald’s
B. Target
C. Hawaii
D. Arbie’s
11. Where did David and his father go for Father’s Day of 08?
A. The Soup Plantation
B. Arbie’s
C. Utah
D. Burger King
12. What’s David’s dog’s name?
A. David
B. Teddy
C. Jeff
D. Cook
13. What did David do for his birthday in 08?
A. Performed in Utah
B. Had a party with all the Idols
C. Ate Pad Thai and saw The Blue Man Group
D. Ate lettuce and Nutter Butters the whole day
14. Which meal does David love that his mom makes?
A. Pad Thai
B. Spaghetti
C. Fish Soup
D. Pancakes
15. What does David say whenever he sees or hears Jordin Sparks?
A. “Jordin!”
B. “Sparkles!”
C. “Just like a tattoo...”
D. “One step at a time!”
16. What did David and his friends once make pancakes in shapes of?
A. The letters U-T-A-H
B. The letters A-L-T-N-O-Y
C. E=MC2
D. Music notes
17. “Oh My Gosh _________!!!!”
A. Mietra
B. Fish
C. Cook
D. Ashlee
18. Which one of David’s siblings was his “partner in crime”?
A. Jazzy
B. Claudia
C. Daniel
D. Amber
19. Who would be the hottest celebrity in a bikini?
A. Miley Cyrus
B. Taylor Swift
C. Kristy Lee Cook
D. Mazel Tov
20. What was David’s American Idol audition number?
A. 11394
B. 11294
C. 12394
D. 11395
21. What’s David’s fave store?
A. Target
B. Wal-mart
C. Macy’s
D. Sears
22. Which is not a nickname of David’s?
A. Lettuce Boy
C. Davey Wavey
D. Archie
23. “Will you be my spicy ______?”
A. taco
B. nacho
C. burrito
D. chili
24. Who has the best burgers David’s ever had?
A. In-N-Out Burger
B. McDonald’s
C. Tommy’s Burger
D. Fat Burger
25. What does David say he does when people poke him?
A. Jump
B. Laugh
C. Flip
D. Spaz
26. Which dance hasn’t David done?
A. Macarena
B. Yeager Dance
C. Thriller
D. The robot
27. Which is David not scared of?
A. Needles
B. Unsteady places
C. Heights
D. The dark
28. Which is true about David?
A. He won American idol
B. He’s extremely ticklish
C. He hates David Cook
D. He’s dated Shawn Johnson
29. David didn’t like how the girl on a shopping bag had a short skirt on, so he...?
A. ripped the bag up
B. drew shorts on the girl on the bag
C. threw the bag out the window
D. yelled at the fan who gave him the bag
30. Which word is not in David’s vocabulary?
A. Trippy
B. Dang
C. Hell
D. Gosh
31. What was the second song David sang on Top 4 night on AI?
A. “Love Me Tender”
B. “Stand By Me”
C. “Imagine”
D. “America”
32. Which song did David not sing during his AI auditions?
A. “Waiting On The World To Change”
B. “Shop Around”
C. “Joyful, Joyful”
D. “Heaven”
33. Which song did David not co-write?
A. “A Little Too Not Over You”
B. “Works For Me!”
C. “Falling”
D. “Somebody Out There”
34. What color are David’s eyes?
A. Brown
B. Green
C. Blue
D. Hazel
35. What’s David’s least fave subject?
A. Chemistry
B. Social Studies
C. English
D. P.E.
36. Which class did he get a B in in 11th grade, making him not get his straight A’s through high school?
A. English
B. Spanish
C. Chemistry
D. Home Ec
37. What’s David’s fave ice cream flavor?
A. Strawberry Banana
B. Vanilla
C. Chocolate
D. Coffee
38. What kind of animal was on David’s shirt during his performance of “Stand By Me” on AI?
A. Birds
B. Tiger
C. Lion
D. Bears
39. What does his ring that his grandmother gave to him say on it?
A. “David”
B. “7”
C. “Choose The Right”
D. “Utah”
40. Which pocket does David usually puts his hands in?
A. Jeans back pockets
B. Jeans front pockets
41. What did the bracelet Paula gave to him do to him?
A. Tickled his wrist
B. Gave his wrist an irritation
C. Turned his wrist green
D. Hurt his wrist
42. What’s David’s personal YouTube user name?
A. chrianyday
B. theofficialarchuleta
C. sarabareillesfan
D. Ninjaaaaaaa
43. Is his belly button an innie or an outtie?
A. Outtie
B. Innie
44. “That _______ dang it!”
A. skin
B. shell
C. cheese
D. lettuce
45. What did Michael Johns tell Star 94 DJs to do to David when he came in the studio?
A. Slap him
B. Make fun of him
C. Tickle him
D. Poke him
46. What was the date David’s AI audition aired?
A. 1-20-08
B. 1-22-08
C. 1-23-08
D. 1-12-08
47. Which room?
A. 416
B. 513
C. 105
D. 218
48. What’s David’s fave sport?
A. Basketball
B. Baseball
C. Street Hockey
D. Golf
49. “Oh gosh, where do they ______?”
A. park
B. sit
C. sing
D. dance
50. What song did David sing to his fans in his Valentine’s Day voice message?
A. “Love Song”
B. “I Just Called to Say I Love You”
C. “Call Me”
D. “Crush”
51. Which song did David connect with the most from his album?
A. “You Can”
B. “Crush”
D. “Running”
52. What’s David’s fave drink?
A. Orange Juice
B. Hot Chocolate
C. Coffee
D. Water
53.How long did it take “Crush” to get to #1 on iTunes?
A. 2 days
B. 23 hrs
C. 18 hrs and 52 mins
D. 20 hrs and 52 minutes
54. What day did “Crush” premiere?
A. 8-1-08
B. 8-9-08
C. 7-1-08
D. 8-2-08
55. What does the bracelet Claudia gave David say?
A. “One”
B. “David”
C. “Hope”
D. “Archie”
56. Which play inspired David to start singing?
A. Les Miserables
B. Evita
C. Cats
D. The Color Purple
57. Which day did David’s album drop?
A. 11-11-08
B. 11-18-08
C. 11-12-08
D. 11-4-08
58. Which Idol showed David how into a performance people can get?
A. Kelly Clarkson
B. Clay Aiken
C. Tamyra Gray
D. Chikiezie
59. Who did David room with during AI?
A. David Cook
B. Jason Castro
C. Chikezie
D. Michael Johns
60. What’s David’s zodiac sign?
A. Virgo
B. Capricorn
C. Sagittarius
D. Pisces
61. Who are David’s 4 main musical influences?
A. Natasha Bedingfield, Sara Bareilles, John Mayer, Mariah Carey
B. Jason Mraz, John Mayer, Sara Bareilles, Kirk Franklin
C. Kirk Franklin, Sara Bareilles, Jordin Sparks, Natasha Bedingfield
D. John Mayer, Jason Mraz, Sara Bareilles, Natasha Bedingfield
62. Where was David born?
A. Murray, UT
B. Salt Lake City, UT
C. Miami, FL
D. Hollywood, FL
63. What’s David’s religion?
A. Mormon
B. Catholic
C. Christian
D. Buddist
64. Which song did David not sing on the Idol tour?
A. “Apologize”
B. When You Say You Love Me”
C. “ When You Believe”
D. “Angels”
65. What’s David’s fave candy?
A. Twix
B. Kit Kats
C. M&Ms
D. Skittles
66. Which medical problem/illness has David not yet had? (As of March 09)
A. Vocal paralysis
B. Bronchitis
C. Pink eye
D. Diabetes
67. What’s David’s fave kind of chocolate?
A. Dark chocolate
B. Milk chocolate
68. Which has David not acted in? (As of March 09)
A. Hannah Montana
B. Nitendo DS commercial
C. iCarly
D. Guitar Hero commercial
69. Which has not been a title of one of David’s blogs?
A. “And There’s A Mouse In Here”
C. “Welcome to Worcester...”
D. “Jingle Ball Updates”
70. Where has David not filmed a video blog? (As of March 09)
A. Canada
B. Airport gift shop
C. Weird tunnel
D. His house
71. “Why do I keep running from the _________”
A. love
B. cops
C. truth
D. Cougars
72. Why did David crawl under the table?
A. He was pretending to be a cat
B. He was trying to make Jason laugh
C. He was picking up a Nutter Butter he dropped
D. He was hiding from Ryan Seacrest
73. How do you spell the name of the singer who sings “Love Song”?
A. S-A-R-A B-A-R-E-I-L-L-E-S
B. S-A-R-A-H B-A-R-E-I-L-L-E-S
C. S-A-R-A B-A-R-E-L-L-E-S
D. S-A-R-A, Space, B-A-R-E-I-L-L-E-S
74. What did the building in Grand Rapids say on it?
A. “Arch”
B. “Crush”
C. “David”
D. “Archie”
75. Which part of David’s Idol tour wardrobe did he hate?
A. The red shoes
B. The t-shirt
C. The jacket
D. The pants
76. How was Hollywood week for David?
A. “Fantastic!”
B. “Trippy!”
C. “Incredible!”
D. “Awesome!”
77. How was it for David making it to the Top 24 on AI?
A. “Awesome!”
B. “What a feelin’!”
C. “Trippy!”
D. “Way cool!”
78. David didn’t know that Carly Smithson’s husband was...?
A. country
B. Irish
C. 30 yrs old
D. Mormon
79. Which is not true?
A. David cried during his homecoming
B. Once during the Idol tour, David started laughing while singing “Stand By Me”
C. David cried when Brooke got elimination
D. David sang “Fighting For You” on his solo tour
80. Which does David do when performing?
A. Licks his lips
B. Puts his hand out
C. Closes his eyes
D. He does them all
81. Who did David walk on his hands with?
A. Cook
B. Jason
C. Kristy
D. Brooke
82. David said he missed Randy’s...?
A. dawgs
B. dudes
C. dawgs and yos
D. yos
83. David describes Kara Diogardi as...?
A. spunky
B. mean
C. cool
D. nice
84. “Even parts of my ________ are just like, a little... I’m ticklish, I don’t know!”
A. tummy
B. neck
C. face
D. arms
85. “Anything could happen, you might get ________________.”
A. “hit by a car or something”
B. “hit by a truck or something”
C. “shot or something”
D. “killed or something”
86. David said __________ could kill you if you got her mad.
A. Kristy
B. Amanda
C. Syesha
D. Carly
87. What’s a weird word?
A. “sexy”
B. “dry wit”
C. “sex symbol”
D. “permanent”
88. Which one does David not like?
A. Being tickled
B. People getting too close
C. Holding hands
D. All of the above
89. “It’s like, “No duh, you‘re ____________!”
A. trespassing
B. singing
C. lying
D. shopping
90. Which has David done?
A. Hopped a fence
B. Played with post it notes
C. Meditated
D. He’s done them all
91. Which can David not do?
A. Whistle
B. Walk on his hands
C. Juggle
D. Roller blade
92. What’s David’s fave board game?
A. Scrabble
B. Sorry
C. Monopoly
D. Operation
93. When it comes to signing body parts, David has a ________ where he won’t sign.
A. Circle
B. Box
C. Triangle
D. Rectangle
94. Does David think he’s has computer savviness?
A. Yes
B. No
95. David’s high score on _______ ________ is 15, 360.
A. Street hockey
B. Nitendo DS
C. Brick Breaker
D. Gameboy Advanced
96. “She sat by me! __________________!”
A. “I didn’t do anything!”
B. “I loved it!”
C. “I hated it!”
D. “I wanted her to!”
97. Which has David wanted to keep a secret?
A. His middle name
B. How ticklish he is
C. How he auditioned for AI
D. All of the above
98. David’s famous for using __________.
A. Origel
B. chapstick
C. Ambosol
D. Baby powder
99. What was David’s most embarrassing moment?
A. Forgetting the words while singing at a big charity event
B. Tripping while singing at a big charity event
C. Losing his voice while singing at a big charity event
D. Dropping the mic while singing at a big charity event
100. What song is number 11 on David’s album?
A. “Don’t Let Go”
B. “Angels”
C. To Be With You”
D. “Your Eyes Don’t Lie”
101. What’s the name of David’s album?
A. David Archuleta
B. Lettuce Boy
C. Works For Me
D. Archie
102. Once, when a fan put their arm around David, what song did he start singing?
A. “To Be With You”
B. “Put Your Arms Around Me”
C. “Love Me tender”
D. “Touch My Hand”
103. David’s known for his __________ hugs.
A. one armed
B. two-armed
104. “And there’s a ____________ in here.”
A. mouse
B. dog
C. cat
D. spider
105. Who gave David a haircut in October 08?
A. Kristy
B. Michael Johns
C. Lupe
D. Brooke
106. David’s known for his...?
A. Peace signs
B. Thumbs-ups
C. Giggling
D. All of the above
107. What’s David’s fave cereal?
A. Cheerios
B. Honey Bunches Of Oats
C. Honey “Nut” Bunches Of Oats
D. Trix
108. Does David like real blood or fake blood?
A. Fake blood
B. Real blood
109. What did David always like to be for Halloween?
A. A werewolf
B. Scream
C. Dracula
D. A ninja
110. What’s David’s fave holiday?
A. Halloween
B. Easter
C. Christmas
D. Fourth Of July
111. What’s David’s fave boy band?
A. Jackson 5
B. New Kids On The Block
C. N*Sync
D. Backstreet Boys
112. Who has David not yet seen in concert? (As of March 09)
A. Matt Nathanson
B. John Mayer
C. Jason Mraz
D. Adele
113. David had a _____________ in the shape of him in Utah.
A. corn maze
B. house
C. garden
D. chocolate bar
114. David’s pajamas consist of...?
A. A black t-shirt and plaid pants
B. A white t-shirt and black sweat pants
C. A white t-shirt and plaid sweat pants
D. A white sweat shirt and plaid sweat pants
115. “That’s a cool ____ by the way!”
A. cup
B. shirt
C. song
D. pen
116. What do the veins in David’s neck form?
A. A smiley face
B. A heart
C. A star
D. Music notes
117.What does David call L.A.?
A. “Second home”
B. “Workland”
C. “New home”
D. “Music Land”
118. What funny thing did David do when he was on Bonnie Hunt?
A. Slid down her fire pole
B. Danced
C. Spoke in Spanish
D. Did acrobatics
119. What did David get his sister for Christmas 08?
A. An ipod
B. A bike
C. Roller blades
D. His album
120. When David plays Mario Cart, he likes to be...?
A. Yoshi
B. Toad
C. Goo
D. Both A and C
121. Which has David not done?
A. Worked a drive thru
B. Jumped into bean bags
C. Sung “Butterfly” by Jason Mraz
D. Tried iFly
122. Which did David not bite in the iCarly David Archuleta Bites Stuff pictures?
A. A tennis racket
B. An umbrella
C. Glasses
D. A microphone
123. David got __________ in Hawaii.
A. mosquito bites
B. sick
C. punched
D. yellow fever
124. What does David do before every performance?
A. Prays
B. Jumps
C. Vocal warm-ups
D. All of the above
125. What does David call his grandmother?
A. Abuelita
B. Grammy
C. Nanny
D. Abuela