她說她想大衛,join the club!我們大家全都想他!
End of the Archuleta tour!!
Current mood: calm
Boooo hooooo im so sad. The tour is over and i miss everybody so much all ready!!!!
had the best time with all of David's band and crew and cant wait to
hang out with everybody again!!!! David's fans were so sweet to me and
i really appreciate all the support every night during my set and also
everybody that came to my meet and greets after my show!! Thanks guys!!!
also missing my band, Dave,Tyler and Rick and my crew Casey and Kyle,
we had so much fun on our bus and defo became a family!!! Thankfully I
will be seeing them all soon in Florida for our week of shows in Disney
world, yayayaya!!!!!!
In other news i got a new puppy, so i had
a little cuddle ball to come home to in N.Y. His register number in the
dog centre was 777 so we called him Jackpot, full name Jackpot Vegas
but its Jack for short!!! Will put up some pics for you guys
My next single off the album is gonna be Slow
Goodbye so keep listening to your local stations as its gonna start to
go into rotation really soon!!
Thanks so much for everything u guys, love u all so much
and thank you to all of David Archuleta's fans and David of course for having us on his tour!!!!
love les*