這篇樂評簡直像是版主寫的,尤其她說她平常聽的音樂根本就跟我一樣(不過我還要加上古典音樂,new age跟歌劇就是了),然後她看大衛的角度也跟我一樣:大衛和他的音樂老少咸宜!
The album opens with the chart-topping song “Crush.” If Archuleta’s
voice hasn’t captivated you after that number, the next few will most
certainly leave you wanting more.
Archuleta really brings
“teen life” to his songs and speaks to his listeners about falling in
love, the confusion of breaking up and, of course, “crushing,” which
any teen can understand. Archuleta closes with the phenomenal “Angels,”
originally sung by Robbie Williams. Slower tracks on the album (“You
Can” and “To Be With You”) fit perfectly with the faster, more upbeat
“Touch My Hand,” “Running,” and “Don’t Let Go.”
What makes us
fall head-over-heels in love with this 17-year-old rising star? Is it
his voice? His talent? His charm? Normally, I listen to classic rock
radio stations; I grew up with the music my dad played in the car. I
love bands like America and The Rolling Stones, so I never imagined I
would love a pop singer like Archuleta. But his fantastic voice, upbeat
attitude, and conservative values really draw teens – and their
parents – to this sensational new album.
It doesn’t matter
whether you are eight or 78: you will be able to relate to any song on
the album. It’s worth your while to pick up a copy today.