There’s always a little more buzz and excitement to our daily grind here at Primetime Morning when it comes to interviews with celebrities.
So when word got out that American Idol star David Archuleta was making his way to Caldecott Hill for a TV interview, a steady stream of colleagues whom we wouldn’t have suspected were fans, ‘fessed up their adoration for the 18-year-old singer.
“So when is he coming? I got my camera ready and set to go. Can I also get his autograph for myself and my nieces? ” said a video editor, as she earnestly reminded us to include her in our afternoon date with David.
With celebrities, it’s never a guarantee that an impromptu photo opportunity is a sure thing, once the formal interview is over.
That’s because these stars bring with them their entourage of “minders” (read: publicist, manager, bodyguard, record promoter, sometimes parents) who sometimes take it upon themselves to decide that impromptu photo-taking sessions with the stars are a no-no as it takes too much time out of their hectic media schedule.
Well, David and his minders weren’t like that.
The minders didn’t mind the fans’ requests and neither did David. After we’d completed our interview with him, he stepped out of our studio into a crowd of fans who wanted nothing more than to meet him and pose for pictures with him, and this he agreed to graciously.
David’s graciousness aside, we found our hands full getting cameras and props all set up in our studio, before our interview with him.
Viewers seldom get to see what goes on behind the scenes of our morning show but what we can tell you is that half the fun (and hard work) of producing something for television is in the preparation.
In the one, single hour we had to set up, studio and camera crews worked quickly to get the backdrop, props, camera angles and lighting just right, but this they did and when David walked in, the cameras were ready to roll.
At eighteen, David has an air of innocence about him that adds to his cute factor. He struck us as someone who’s happy and content with where he is today.
Ask him about his fans and he beams with pleasure, often breaking out in giggles as he recalls how wild they can get.
Singapore fans, by the way, have a special place in his heart.
“What’s so funny is that during American Idol, Singapore was one of the places I got the most fan letters from. It was just crazy! It’s great!”