



多發性硬化症英文Multiple Sclerosis)是一種慢性、炎症性、脫髓鞘的中樞神經系統疾病。可引起各種癥狀,包括感覺改變、視覺障礙、肌肉無力、憂鬱、協調與講話困難、嚴重的疲勞、認知障礙、平衡障礙、體熱和疼痛等,嚴重的可以導致活動性障礙和殘疾。多發性硬化症影響脊髓的神經細胞──神經元。神經元傳遞信息,形成思維和感覺,以使大腦控制身體。保護這些神經元的脂肪層為髓鞘(Myelin Sheath),協助神經元進行電信號傳遞。多發性硬化症逐漸造成大腦和脊髓的斑塊性的神經髓鞘的破壞(脫髓鞘),髓鞘的瘢痕形成影響神經軸突的信號傳遞,以失去大腦和脊髓對外周的控制,以至多部位的僵硬或喪失功能。





Last year during American Idol, David Archuleta needed an outside support person to combat the false rumors that were being reported about his father. Brett Hales became that supporter and family spokesperson and the David fan community learned to love and respect him a great deal. His good humor, generosity, kindness and positive outlook on life, despite challenging physical problems, became an inspiration to many.

Brett has had MS for 5 years and lives in Utah, a state which has one of the highest incidence rates of Multiple Sclerosis in the nation. The CRUSH MS Cause has been created to help raise money for the Utah MS Society in particular and MS in general.
Each year the Utah MS Society provides a multitude of direct services to clients: financial assistance, care management, physical health and wellness assistance, education and many others. Additionally, the Chapter invests hundreds of thousands of dollars (more than $650,000 in 2008) in research to find cures to treat, prevent and end Multiple Sclerosis. They were also able to make a commitment to the MS Society’s Promise 2010 Research Campaign. The Utah Chapter is very proud of the research talent in the state which has resulted in over $1.5 million of National MS Society grants currently being awarded to Utah researchers. Their ‘Bike MS’ and ‘Walk MS’ events also raise millions for research.

David has made it very clear through his words, his actions and his music that his goal is to support and improve the human condition, to make a real difference in people’s lives. He has touched the hearts of millions with his music and with his character. His fans are incredibly generous, as evidenced by the significant amounts of money that have already been raised in David’s name to support important causes. The CRUSH MS Cause just happens to hit a bit closer to his home and his heart.

Whether you are a David fan, a friend of Brett and his beautiful family or whether you just know and love someone with MS, we are hopeful that you will be responsive to this request in any way that you can. You will receive a CRUSH MS wristband, ‘David vs. Goliath’, in honor of Brett Hales as a Thank you gift for your donation.

Two ways to donate:
Utah MS Society Cause on Facebook:

National MS Society Tribute Fund to Brett Hales:

Special thanks to:
Kate Ti
Jennifer Barry
SLC Concert Goers
David fan site administrators
Brett and Cindy Hales
David Archuleta


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