歌手背景:Delta Goodrem是來自澳洲的女歌手。年僅7歲時即在澳洲最長壽的電視劇【Neighbours】裡以小童星的身分亮相,之後開始學習鋼琴、歌唱、舞蹈、表演等課程。13歲那年,Delta利用自己上電視賺來的錢,到錄音室錄製了一張包含五首自創歌曲和一首澳洲國歌之DEMO,寄給自己最愛的足球隊Sydney Swans,希望有朝一日能為該球隊在主場演唱國歌。結果著名經紀人Glenn Wheatley注意到了Delta的歌唱才華,特別簽下來培訓,正式向音樂界邁進。隨後以15歲之齡入籍SONY唱片,相繼發表《Innocent Eyes》及《Mistaken Identity》兩張專輯。但沒想到過不久竟然被診斷出罹患淋巴腺癌,Delta只好暫別歌壇一年安心治療疾病。或許是因為她一向樂觀進取,正面的態度成功戰勝了病魔,前一陣子還接受了Westlife成員Brian的婚約。
歌曲背景:《Believe Again》是Delta復出歌壇後第三張同名專輯的第二支主打歌曲,由她本人和Brian攜手撰寫而成,歌詞講述的是克服生命種種困境的過程。每次我只要遇到挫折,總是會回想起這首歌的歌詞及Delta戰勝病魔的故事,尤其「I believe the impossible is possible to overcome」這句總是能讓我重拾信心,再次有力量奮鬥下去。希望這首歌能為大家帶來正面的影響,永遠都有再次相信自我的勇氣。
Have you ever stared into the
Thought the clouds would never disappear
Have you ever screamed out in the dark
Thinking no one else could hear
I was leaving footprints tainted by my past
On this winding road to you
I'd lost my faith in love
Tonight I believe again
My Heart was a broken place
Now I feel whole again
You bring my honesty
And that's worth believing in
And I believe again
Have you ever spun out of control
Like you never saw the road ahead
Have you ever just kept looking back
Ever closer to the edge
I was praying for the light I see in your eyes
I had all but given up
I'd lost my faith in love
Tonight I believe again
My Heart was a broken place
Now I feel whole again
You bring my honesty
And that's worth believing in
And I believe again
I believe the impossible is possible to overcome
I believe in miracles born from love in everyone
I'd lost my faith in love
Tonight I believe again
My Heart was a broken place
Now I feel whole again
You bring my honesty
And that's worth believing in
And I believe again