-he wants to release ZG on the UK album, but the label doesn’t want to.
He said that the recorded version wasn’t as good as the live version,
and he wasn’t too familiar with the song at the time when he was
recording it. (真想把Jive痛打一頓!)
-we asked if he had drank irn-bru (我也不知道這是甚麼碗糕)(附註:謝謝Punk的調查,原來irn-bru是蘇格蘭當地一種碳酸飲料的牌子,就像coke,在當地比coke還流行), one of the
girls there had a bottle and he looked at it. It had caffeine in it so
he said he couldn’t drink it, but he had heard of it.
-he went to Marks and Spensers and bought a salad for £3.50 . He said it was good, and cheap.(非常節省的小孩)
He talked about his interest in the cows here … I had no idea what he
was talking about, so he tried to explain it to me (got that on video …
might put it on you tube in a bit) … he looked directly at me for a
long time !(什麼樣人會跟粉絲談牛???)(拜託一定要貼上youtube)
- He wanted to go see the Loch Ness Monster, but didn’t have time(尼斯湖湖怪嗎?這個小孩的興趣果然很有趣)
begged him to come back to Scotland, and he said he wanted to, but it
all depended on the album sales, since Crush hadn’t even entered the
-his fav McFly songs is 5 Colours In Her Hair, and he likes Lies and Falling In Love
Ray (I think) came out and told us we weren't allowed to make eye
contact haha, oh and this guy came out with a “f*”!you” t-shirt on …
funny reaction, but David laughed.(原來Ray也去了)
-He recognised me nd my friend from the night before, and talked about the gifts we gave him
He said he liked being able to talk to fans in small groups cos usually
theres lots of people in the US and he can’t talk to everyone.(我們也喜歡跟你聊天哪,只是在美國哪有機會,每次看到你都是人山人海)
waited for someone to come open the van so he could put some things in,
but no one came till 20mins later. That was fine with me though
- He said McFly were really nice people, and were really talented
-He asked me how long it took to get home after the Edinburgh concert, and then realised he had taken the exact same trip as us.