大衛今天在twitter還提到Jason Mraz的joyologist Tricia,到底Joyologist是個甚麼碗糕?根據版主在網路的搜尋, Joyology事實上已經變成一門學問:
is a new revolutionary field of study of extremely healthy, happy,
grateful and optimistic individuals who have learned to celebrate life in all the circumstances of daily living. It is a new paradigm shift in thinking about the world.
It is choosing a different way of thinking, speaking and behaving.
It is a willingness to access JOY especially in the face of adversity.
所以Joyologist就是幫助別人保持有快樂念頭的專業人員(多麼棒的職業),這就是Tricia,Jason Mraz的joyologist。