這是從snarkyarchies來的。janey真是我碰過最厲害的粉絲之一,REO Speekwagon的主唱Kevin那天邀請大衛上台和他飆歌,janey就寫了封email給他:
Hellooooo Kevin!
Thank you sooooo much for bringing David on stage last night!!!! He sounded ahh mazing (heya, you weren't so bad yourself!) !!!!
Can you tell me a bit about how that came about? And what did you think about how he sounded????
you already said what you thought when he was on stage but I wouldn't
mind hearing it again, lol). his fans are loving what you guys did last
janey...i met David A last year at the premiere of "Horton Hears A
Who", so it was nice to see him again backstage before the concert in
Salt Lake. He came to see the REO, Styx, 38 Special show...I guess he
likes our music. We got to talking and we hit it off, so I invited him
to come up and sing on "Roll With The Changes". We should have given
him his own microphone, but we didn't think of it. I saw the youtube
video, and it looks like I am wrestling the mic away from him...well, I
kinda was. But I was just trying to get into a little vocal lick
trade-off with him. It was all totally unplanned, but it was a lot of
fun. I'll tell you what, that dude can really sing. We are playing in
Kansas City tomorrow, and rumor has it that David Cook is
coming...could be another Idol Moment, It is cool because I am a fan of
the show. It is the one TV program where the whole family can snuggle
up on the couch, and watch together...and I love that...kc