



Brianna's Hartford Story

OMG OMG OMG is it really today?!?!? This was the first thing I thought to myself! I knew it was because I had been counting down the days for like ever but some how it seemed just too good to be true! But YES today WAS Sunday 6/21/09 it was it was and that was the date of the greatest day of my life! I raced down stairs and checked FOD for last minute updates none were there so I chatted and fangirled with my family and got my TCA voting in early because I knew I would be out (hint hint if you are attending a concert do this hint hint wink wink giggle giggle nudge nudge) then I went up stairs and cleaned up for David showered and spent forever on my hair making it look just perfect! Then I announced to FOD that I was leaving then my mom my aunt my sister and I got into our awesome BMW convertible to ride into the arena with David music blasting but sadly it started pouring rain suddenly and we thought there was going to be like an uber flash flood and we could barely even drive and we had to close the roof L L L so then with the roof down and no music (my mom had to focus on the road because it was really bad weather) we drove around feeling stupid (although we still had the coolest car ever J and then finally an hour and a half later (which felt like WAY more than that) we arrived at the venue the (Hartford XL Center). When we arrived we went to the ticket both to pick up our VIP passes but they told us to go stand by a table and wait to be helped so we did! As we arrived at the table we noticed 2 ladies wearing FOD buttons so we went over and said hi to them they were 2 very nice lurkers we told them our user names and they remembered me because of the uber longness of mine! Then a third lady joined them and we talked to her some too (she was also a lurker) we would hear a little more from them at the party! So then finally they handed out our VIP passes and our David day of fun began...





The first thing we got to do was receive our David Archuleta goody bags! The goody bags contained a poster (he looks so hot SQUEEALLL WITH ME), an auto graph picture I know I know just one more quick... but rather loud SQUEEEAALLL, a key chain (yay I can style my backpack for school) a t-shirt that says I <3 David Archuleta ( I should show that to my 7th grade science teacher because all year he had a thing with only wearing t-shirts that tell the truth and this one definitely tells the truth) and I got an uber cool lamenated very professional looking VIP pass (woot woot everyone in school noticed when I wore it today and thought it was AWESOME hang with David) so then they took us down to get some hassle free merch shopping! I bought an adorable David t-shirt and it is even purple which is my favorite color it is like someone literally designed the shirt for me (thanks David) and a really awesome tote bag it is like uber awesome lettering with a splatter painted background on like a small shopping bag sized(ish) bag which is like the new "in" thing with the girls in our school so it was UBER awesome! Then we got to go into the party room where we talked more with the FOD lurkers and we ran into another girl and her dad who liked our T-shirts (white ones from winter tour) they were asking about them and everyone thought it was cool that we went to Sayerville (I didn't realize it had such a reputation for being the "wild show") but I guess it did because David could barely sing over the screaming (those of you at Sayerville remember Barriers don't you?) and then after the party (where the chocolate ice cream was absolutely fantastic by the way) we got to see David's sound check next. We got to the sound check and there were tech guys doing a bunch of stuff and some dude climbing to the ceiling on a rather flimsy looking ladder but he didn't fall luckily. Then we heard the tech dudes say okay we are ready to bring him out the suddenly the whole arena got quiet and then everyone began chanting David! David! David! AND THEN... he ran out on stage and did the signature archuewave and everyone in our VIP party exploded everyone was cheering! He started talking to us and some lady screamed out asking him if he was tired from the long trip in from Cali he said he was a bit tired (but I think he was more than a little tired his eyes looked exhausted that boy is the toughest kid I have ever met) and he told us the the band and tech crew (the dudes on the ladder and stuff) got in only about an hour before he started! I then proceeded to tell everyone that one of his techies was name Johnny B and everyone thought is was weird that I knew (apparently some people don't watch interview with the band about stupid stuff like their favorite bird LOL) Finally David began to talk to us about how he was going to do two songs for the set and he was going to accompany himself on the piano! He then told us that the first one he had never played on the piano before and he was super excited that we were the first audience to hear it he apologized several times for the fact that it might be rough and a bit unrehearsed (as he had never played it before) and was obviously very nervous about doing but the crowd showed him lots of support and rooted him on making sure that he knew we would love anything he sang and played just because he was that awesome and finally nervously he began the set! His outfit was awesome that dude has a great fashion sense he had jeans a t-shirt and a sweatshirt a style that is pretty normal and everyone wears but the way it fit him was uberly awesome and he look AMAZING in it he looked sooooo handsome and I loved his sneakers (as always). So on to the musical porotion of the private concert LOL a page later seems like a good time to talk about a singer actually singing! J It was just him accompanying himself on the keyboard and we were sitting way up front with him within feet of the stage just watching him perform. He did Heaven first he told us this was his first time accompanying himself on the keyboard with Heaven and that he hadn't played it before because he had not had time to practice (he had literally JUST gotten in from Del Mar) and so he started pressing some buttons on the keyboard... the next part is utterly amazing you have seen his magical musical talent but braced yourself for where it goes from here it is like nothing I have ever seen!!!! ... so he finds his starting note just by pressing buttons and hearing what sounds the same ... okay so a couple of gifted people in the world can do that but the next part is something that I am sure only the prodigy known as David Archuleta can do and I challenge my FOD family to try to find someone who can do this I know that none of you can it is utterly uberly impossibly undeniably impossible to do so ahead try I dare ya this is how impressive the next thing David does is! ... And when he gets it I don't know how he manages it... I guess by thinking okay the note is like it is a half step up so I have to press this or something IDK and he was able to tell that by just listening not even right then but just by remembering remember the whole half whatever pattern and find the key while playing multiple notes at a time and keeping to the pace on the song and keeping it in his key (and changing key is not an easy thing to do) and he didn't even have to test each note that he played he just somehow knew it was incredible it was awesome it was amazing I can't believe that uber awesome talent. So I have no clue how he pulled off this miracle it is truly amazing but it was AMAZING and very, very impressive... he must be like a crazy musical genius or something ( like we didn't already know that!) whatever miracle the case and whatever the heck he managed to do that no one will ever be able to repeat! This miracle was even more incredible because David sang right to me and it was so cool he looked right at me the entire time and it was like he was serenading me with the gorgeous love song! I thought I was going to die when he finished it! He got a ton of praise from my family on this one too. My mom loves the song and she said he did a FANTASTIC job with it and she has heard it many many times and it was one of the best versions of it she had ever had... now I am paraphrasing here but "move over Brian Adams new kid in town is gonna steal your song"... but not to worry he took Long and Winding Road from the Beatles (and Imagine from their very own John Lennon) Love me Tender from Elvis [lol saying those may be considered a sin by older fans (not old, older than me) but you know it is true] and mumany ,many mote song from uber artists so stealing your song is actually an honor you are officially a member of the "David Archleta stole my song and killed it and took it over for himself club" and our loving FOD crew don't kill me but dare I say (to drive you up the wall and because it is true) he stole Waiting on The World to Change from John Mayer (sorry Becky) his version was awesome but David's (from AI auditions was just INCREDIBLE)... back to my mom gushing over heaven and it's awesomeness and how cool it was that he did like a song that she uberly loved so very well!! Everyone in the whole room was THRILLED that he did the whole thing because often they only give him enough time to sing part of it but hearing the whole thing live was like a dream come true! Then he started talking about how he had been eating trail mix and it was making his throat dry (couldn't tell the singing was FLAWLESS and incredible and his voice sounded as soft and silky as always!)And I don't blame him for eating it before he sang trail mix is good I love it so much! (and it is like the greatest thing to eat while you are traveling)... okay back to David eating trail mix here ...he was coughing and of course the whole audience (particularly me was like awwww poor baby and the backstage dudes didn't even bring him water (meanies L) LOL everyone thought I was crazy feeling so bad that he was coughing but again I am NOT crazy for loving him more than anyone in that arena I just want to protect him and why has everyone thought I was crazy twice this concert? I am just an uber fan! So anyway I thought he should get some ice cream from the party room (since it was like the greatest ice cream ever) but apparently it melted (it was melting when we were in the party room and this was about 20 minutes later so it would be more like ice cream soup). So then he started singing Crazy on the keyboard (he just keeps getting better and better at that song) he did an incredible job with this one too he just sounded amazing again and of course like you always get from him the piano playing was brilliant and the pitch of his singing was PERFECT it was so spot on it didn't even sound real! He said he hadn't done Crazy in a while either but you couldn't tell again if he wasn't so sweet an honest and trustable I wouldn't even believe that he was out of practice on the two songs because they were just SOOO good! But he is and I have to believe that a prodigy like that pulled off a miracle yet again!!! This boy is INSANE how can anyone get to be sooo good I mean WOW He sounded amazing I can't believe he can sing and play piano at the same time (I can only kind of play piano and I can't do anything else but poke a key a minute) I NEED to get lessons from this dude like seriously he should open a piano school in his spare time... yeah he has plenty of spare time (sarcasm) but I really do want the piano lessons and it sounded glorious again! I love crazy and I thought it was brilliant he did such a good job on the whole thing especially the whole "does that make me crazy?" and "I think your crazyyyyy like meeeee-eee-eee" line too! Then the backstage guys finally brought him water (thank you tech boys that was so nice of you!) Then I told him I love him and he said thank you I love you too (this was about the 100000th time I told him and he thanked me every time but this time was special because he said he loved me too! YAY) Then we went back for the Meet and Greet and the photo op! I went up to David and asked him for a hug he gives the warmest softest most wonderful hugs in the world and it is like he is channeling the beating and the love of his big soft archuheart though is body into you very arms and into your heart as he hugs you it just makes your whole world stop spinning and there is nothing else in the world "the world just disappears when your here" (no David story would be complete without quoting Z Grav) people say he has an aura around him just shining with love and happiness I have a different opinion it is so much better than that there is just love and sun-shiney warmness radiating from every inch of his body it is like those romantic love scenes in movies where you are running toward your true love and his hair is blowing and there is a golden light around him and he lifts your heart (and often times you too) as he embraces you only it wasn't a movie David Archuleta was actually there hugging me it was real but it sure didn't feel that way in fact! It felt so unreal to be able feel his touch and hold on to him it was just the most awesome feeling EVER! David gives the greatest hugs in the world and that feeling is like nothing I could ever describe to you in this world it is like everything perfect pure and happy in this world combined and wrapped up all in one monstrous hug and not just any hug a hug coming from the one and only amazing angelic miraculous beautiful wonderful perfect Angel David Archuleta! I swear David should be a professional hugger LOL I am totally serious he is like the uberest hugger ever he gives the perfect hugs not to hard he doesn't squeeze you to death and he doesn't hug you like uber hard or anything, yet not to soft as you can actually feel his arms holding on to you and it makes you feel warm and safe and loved. He is also an amazing hugger because he can wrap him arms all the way around you and spread the hug out evenly so your body can feel the love from all around in every direction. I know it sounds stupid but his hugs are just amazing and there really is no way to describe it. This experience was soooo amazing and wonderful I love that feeling that you can get just by being with him and by feeling his love it is just awesome. He is just one of those people who wears his heart on his skin and you can always tell what is going on with them I could tell that David was happy and embracing me! Even though he told me during the private set and again during the concert he didn't have to say the 4 most powerful worlds in the universe "I love you too" I already knew it. It was already clear to me through his actions and the words were just the icing on the cake and they just proved what I already knew that boy can put so much emotion in just one hug it is absolutely amazing I have hugged him before and I remembered the sensation SOOO clearly from nearly a year ago but some how even I remembered it being utterly amazing it was even better! The hug was fantastic and I noticed he is really quite muscular too he is sweet and loveable like a teddy bear yet he has arms of steal holding on to you the whole time it is the most amazing combo that god has ever created and I have absolutely no doubt in my mind at all after that hug that David James Archuleta is not only a gift from god he is an angel! Not only an angels my guardian angel and god most loving most protective endearing loving sweetest angel! In addition to give fantastic hugs I noticed while hugging him David smells AWESOME! It is natural not like some fancy cologne but just like a natural wonderful scent I can't exactly but a name to it because it is not anything I have smelled before it is the most beautiful wonderful scent in the whole world. I can't even believe that hug was real I am just waiting to wake up from this dream where I am being caressed by an angel and he is sweetly serenading me but somehow I know it was not a dream because this wouldn't even have happened in my wildest dreams it is BETTER than anything that anyone could ever dream it is to good to be true yet to good to be a dream I don't know how this is even possible that this event is real I am just waiting thinking to myself how is this possible?!? When David was singing heaven you know that line "when your lying here in my arms" and that line "I'm finding it hard to believe we're in heaven" well I agree with the first on he is in my arms and it does feel wonderful but I do NOT at all find it hard to believe that this is my personal heaven and that there is a heaven on earth and I assure you my life will not be complete until I experience this wonderful sensation once again and I can somehow manage to but it in to words just a little better. (Even though it is impossible to put into words I have managed to write a full page about it LOL!) then the lady running it told David that my sister and I were twins and just then he noticed the like 10,000 David pins I had on and he was like oh that's cool you guys are like the "pin twins" LOL LOL he is so awesome I thought that was the cutest thing ever and it will make him remember me for sure yay! Then we turned around for the picture and as the lady taking the picture was counting to three both of us were already smiling and well prepared for the picture. But I saw the picture afterwards and I am smiling like an idiot although who can blame me! David of course looks adorable (as always) and he is smiling that big golden 1000 watt smile that the whole world has fallen in love with. He looks darling and perfect and unreal in the picture. Then I shook David's hand and told him that my name was Brianna he looked right into my eyes and shook my hand firmly saying "nice to meet you Brianna" ahhh I almost died I was so glad he thought it was nice to meet me but I bet it was even nicer for me to meet him! Then the lady moved me along so other people could come get their pictures taken dang it I didn't get to ask for another hug and I was not going to let go this time because I didn't have a picture to take with him and I never ever want to stop hugging him he gives the greatest hugs of anyone in the world! I then went back to my mom and started freaking out I called my dad and told him what had happened but unfortunately the service was HORRIBLE in that party room so I was breaking up the whole time and we would have to wait to talk more L oh well I have forever to tell the story so it didn't need to be right then I figured I would just watch him take pics and meet with some other David fans (meeting David is an experience that everyone should share because it is so special and makes so many peoples world go 'round). Then we hung around and chatted in the party room some more and they escorted us to out seats which were totally AWESOME! They were the most phenomenal seats in the world you could see EVERYTHING!!!! The energy was growing as the tech dudes started fixing things and I was yelling for Johnny B and again everyone thought it was weird that I knew his techys name my Aunt looked at me like what is wrong with you so of course I explained the fact that he was in an interview on David's official site and I watch like everything there (and hello David was a techy for a summer job in high school techys are under appreciated heroes!) and let me just say the sound people were EXTREMELY efficient at this show much improvement in the speed over winter tour (they did a good job but were PAINFULLY slow) so shout out to Johnny B and the crew you rock dude! So when the crew got everything set up it was finally time for the concert to start everyone was watching and waiting and then the opening act took the stage and my David Archuleta concert had begun...




David's outfit for the concert was different from the meet and greet one so I am going to take a few minutes to talk about that before I get on to the actual performing aspect! David was wearing a blue and white checkered shirt which was pretty dressy (button up with collar but no tie) as usually he had the sleeves of his suit shirt rolled up a bit (it looks so cool and is becoming his signature style) He was wearing jeans with is (as always the uber awesomeness) and of course my very favorite CONVERSE! (This was even more exciting because I was wearing converse too!) David looked great in the outfit he looked even more amazingly hot than usual (which we all know is very difficult to do) Has he been working out?? Dang I forgot to ask him! Someone else in the FOD family will have to ask! We filled the arena and there was just an incredible energy everywhere how could there not be when David Archuleta was about to perform but first the opening act KSM. They were a group of pretty young folks who really knew how to play. I had never heard the name before so I was surprised to see that I actually knew bits of their songs. They actually did a really good job with the four song set and got everyone set for David to come perform. I they still are relatively inexperienced so I was surprised that they did so well in such a big venue. They were a lot of fun singing great edgy music and kicking the beach balls around into the audience I would give them an 8 of 10 over all for stage presence musical ability crowd reaction and basically all crowd reactions and important performing skills! I see HUGE potential for this band and I would like to see where 2 or 3 years takes them as performers seeing as the only thing that needed work was stage presence I would say they could get to be a really, really popular act. So after KSM performed it was time for David to take the stage... He performed 11 songs total and each one of them was BRILLIANT!


A Little Too Not Over You


As I am sure we all know this is David's second single off the album! David did an absolutely phenomenal job with it and as it was always a fan favorite he got the whole crowd working and it was an excellent choice for an opener to his set. The band sounded great behind him and as always he had GREAT pitch and his voice sounded silky smooth and flawless. I loved all the stuff he did with the instruments and it sounded really cool this new band is uber talented! I was standing there on the floor yelling to him and telling him how much I love him I was just like WOAH how can this possibly be a preview for what is to come it is sooooo incredible! Of course with the brilliance the audience exploded and David of course was happy and smiley as ever!


Waiting for Yesterday


Yes yes yes I can't believe he did Waiting for Yesterday!!! I am so excited this is like one of my favorite songs. When I heard that a few of the dudes in the band said that they really loved the song I was uber excited because I knew that would mean that David would do it! He did an awesome job on it and I loved it because it was so catchy and edgy beats that could draw you in! Which I think was a great idea to do in the concert. Again the band did a fantastic job behind him!! I still can't believe this kids brilliance just talent talent talent! I was realizing that this show was going to be even better than I had expected (like that is even possible) and this kid was going to put on an AMAZING show it was going to be the best show anyone had ever given (squeeeeeeeeeaalll with me)


My Hands


Woot Woot I love this song for some reason there is just something about it (even more so than other songs if it is possible) it just draws me in! The melody and its catchiness the beginning that just hooks you and begs you to listen and holds you on tight for the rest of the song! I don't know what it is there is just something so wonderful about it! I love the lyrics too especially that line "if everything would stop I'd listen to your heart lead me right to you yeah" That lyric is just so beautiful! I love hearing this song live and it is on of my favorite David songs I wish he would release it as a single or something because it is uber catchy uber awesome and in my opinion has GREAT hit potential! I just want to take a moment here also to shout out to David and his band for the best acapella ending I have heard in all my years (okay 14 isn't that many but it was still BRILLIANT)! Not only was everyone together and everyone on pitch but they harmonized beautifully and everyone's parts fit together perfectly they were singing and resting together it was just brilliant! I really really love the vocal harmony and 5 people all harmonizing together acapella is not an easy thing to do they should an incredible amount of musical talent so I just wanted to give a quick shout out to the guys for that!


You Can


"I'm gonna do a love ballad it is a really simple song with the melody and the message... YOU CAN I KNOW IT I KNOW IT! That is always the way he announces you can! How UBER exciting I love that song it is one of my favorites and I was excited because this was the first slower song he did during the concert. I have always loved you can and it is one of those songs that you always find yourself singing along to and completely engrossed in. It is ironic that one of the lyrics is "bring me to my knees and make me cry" because that is exactly the type of feeling this song gives you it is beautiful and happy yet still carries so much feeling and makes you want to cry! I love you can it is one of my favorite David songs and this truly was one of his best versions of it!


Works for Me


I love this song! It is actually one of my favorites and when I am sitting in my house listening to the album it is always the one that I am most excited to hear! I am so glad he made this bonus track a part of his set list. When he started talking how it is kind of about how he spaces out and could listen to a whole conversation and be like huh? And I was like that is so me I can do that all the time I get so lost LOL I have something in common with David but when he said his life worked out well I was like whoa worked out is an under statement! He is brilliant just brilliant I can't come up with a better word the range in this song was also very good in this one too! I love the ooohh on "it worked out just fine oohh" it sounds so awesome! I also thought the dance moves to this song are UBER awesome too I loved them they really told the story!


Touch My Hand


Hmm kinds bitter sweet! It was good but I am so sad that it is not the opener anymore it was so weird without the classic intro (although the new band did a fantastic job which made it better! This song is so good and I am really glad he chose to do it in the fan pack and make the music video for it because it is such a brilliant song and you could tell that it described everything that he was feeling exactly! I knew that is was just what he had been feeling as he sang Heaven directly to me earlier! I could really imagine what he meant by "I never knew what the song was about but suddenly now I do" it meant a lot to him to have someone who the love songs are written for and someone to serenade to focus on making happy right in that moment and I was so glad to have been that person earlier and to get another chance to experience it again as he sang about the feeling! I truly believe that there is a special chemistry between David and I and I really feel that something is going to start between the two of us it is just undeniable that he feels some type of love and affection for me too!


Don't Let Go


Brilliant song Brilliant message! I love the idea that David Archuleta is singing to you and telling you to hang in there when things get tough! I saw in that moment that everything was easy and that he could tell you that things would get like that again! The lyrics are so powerful and even if everything seems wonderful and great you feel so happy and safe and loved when you know that someone like David Archuleta is there for you and telling you that it will all work out I love the lyrics "trying to feel your heart beat through the door" because that goes back to that unspoken communication in the hug you don't have to say any words to know what the person you are talking to is thinking and feeling. It is such a beautiful lyric and the song was wonderfully written


To Be With You


David plays Keyboard SQQEEEEAAALL! This was awesome it sounded so good with David playing on the keyboard and Kendra playing on the violin. I am soooo excited that they found a way for him to do this song on tour it is one of my favorites and it is just so beautiful and soo heart touching! I really like the fact that it brings you so much joy! And I have to agree with the fact that being with your true love could answer every single thing you ever prayed for and it can make your whole world wonderful! It gives me so much hope that when David is touring maybe when I am about to "Walk off the ledge" and I miss him so terribly that maybe he misses me just as much and he can't wait to see me at a show! (this makes me want to see him again even more). Just beautiful and so typical of a relationship often times someone who you are in love with is all you can think about! These are just words what really made the performance so brilliant was they were sung so beautifully and flawlessly and with so much emotion and soul poured out behind them that you actually believed the words and I knew that what he was describing to me WAS love and it WAS EXACTLY what I felt for him! This was a really brilliant performance and I am so impressed that he caressed every note so beautifully




Yay yay yay I am so glad he did Apologize! We saw him do it on idol ...gosh was it really over a year ago it seems like just yesterday...but was it really just over a year he grew so much and got so much better at it (like that is even possible). He just sang it perfectly vocally (like every other song in the set and this sounds really really repetitive) he just blew it away the vocals were just amazing! The range again was just incredible! I loved how it had that edgy rock type edge to it that made it a lot of fun yet it still had soulful emotion great range and you could hear every word he said! The whole thing was brilliant that beginning was particularly strong! I loved the way you could understand every lyric he sang! I also loved that he played keyboard for Apologize he did a BRILLIANT job with that and the playing and singing together was really amazing and it just showed off his talent even more!


Zero Gravity


Before I launch into the details about the song I would like to say that David performed this song for me! I ran up front and I was yelling to him the whole time do Zero Gravity do Zero Gravity and as everyone on FOD knows Z Grav is my all time favorite David song EVER! So he looked right at me and he said now I am going to do a really upbeat fun song I want you all just to dance and jump and have fun and the song was actually just realized and it is called Zero Gravity! And at that point the evil security guard promptly kicked me out and sent me back to my seat L oh well my seats were only like 10 rows back from the stage so it wasn't that badJ! And I had already told David I loved him and he said aww thank you I love you too! I was of course jumping and screaming and singing like a wild lunatic! I love Zero Gravity and it is such a fun energetic song.




Yay I love Crush! This will always be one of my favorite David songs! That song will always be my baby! I was very sad when David said it was his last song but I forgot all about that as the brilliant music started playing and he began singing Crush! Brilliant every time I here this song I just fall more and more deeply in love and every time I hear it he just sings it better and better and better! It was just incredible the first time I heard it and this time it was just BRILLIANTLY FANTASTICALLY AMAZINGLY AWESOME! I just loved the whole thing he did an amazing job the vocals were just FLAWLESS yet again! I couldn't believe the quality of the show this boy put on he just gave that most amazing show I have ever seen in my life! 10000000million out of 10 stars for him!


After David's set we watched Demi's set and she did a really good job too! I would say she put on a pretty good show the songs were very very good as well! I would give her 9 of 10 stars for it! She did a ton of songs and they were all very good! I thought it was pretty cool that she showed us a bunch of songs from her new album before it was released (any David fan would love this because after all how was Zero Gravity created and turned into the hit it is today!)

Then we left to go home we drove home blasting David music all the way freaked out because a limo drove past us (and then realized that David was in a bus not a limo) and then we freaked out again when we drove by the Hilton (which is the hotel that he was staying in) and we had a great time riding on the high way for an hour and a half with the roof down on the convertible and it took hours to get my hair fixed (good thing it rained in the way there and it didn't look like that for David J see everything happens for a reason).

I would like to thank David Archuleta for giving me the best night of my life and for giving such a fantastic concert and for being such an inspiration for me and for everyone in my life! I LOVE YOU DAVID JAMES ARCHULETA YOU ARE AN ANGEL!


credit:Fans of David Archuleta

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