Counting David's Character最近將舉辦週年慶活動,並希望喜歡大衛並深深受他影響的粉絲可以共襄盛舉。只要在北美時間6/26(五)前完成"Because of David Archuleta I..."這個句子,並寄e-mail就可以囉!!!
To commemorate the one year celebration of Counting David's Character, we thought it would be nice to give David Archuleta someting special by telling him the many ways he has touched our lives. We cordially invite you to take part by finishing this sentence:
"Because of David Archuleta I..."
It can be anything that is unique to you. Like standing in line for a concert in the snow for over 15 hours, buying your first ipod or computer to track David's music, meeting new friends, charity involvement, having a better outlook on life, coping with difficulties, using your talents, overcoming an obstacle, opening your heart more, etc. It can be something simple and funny or profound and life changing...whatever is true for you. David will be encouraged by reading all kinds, even the funny ones, but just remember to be respectful. I know some of you may be able to write a book about how David Archuleta has made your life better, but please keep it to one or two sentences at most.
What's even more special is that we will be printing these tributes and they will be hand delivered to David Archuleta! Yes, you heard right. David will be receiving your tribute from Dean Kaelin, David's voice coach. Dean has graciously agreed to make sure he hand delivers the tributes directly to David the next time he sees him. The earliest would be mid to end of July, due to Dean's schedule, and we all know that David will be on tour for a bit which may delay the delivery. We will make sure to keep you updated on the status of the tributes and when they have been delivered to David, even if it's not for a month or so. I really think that David will be touched to read how he has touched so many of our lives. A perfect gift for David and the one year celebration of Counting David's Character. Your support and encouragement throughout this past year has been priceless to us!
Please tell us what name you would like associated your tribute, or you can simply remain as an "Anonymous Angel". Maybe you want a screen name to appear when it's posted on CDC, and your real name when it goes to David, and that is fine, too. If you would like your tribute to go to David, but NOT be printed on the site, please let us know. Once you have your tribute exactly as you want it, you can either post it right here in the comments section of this article, or WE PREFER you email it to:
The last day to submit is Friday, June 26th.
All of the tributes will then be displayed in a single article on the main page of CDC on the one year mark, June 27, 2009.
It was almost one year ago that the mission of Counting David's Character was established, and although altered and refined slightly over time, the purpose remains the same. The mission statement of this site is...
Counting David's Character is devoted to opening a window to the world of David Archuleta's character. Together, we will journey through the heart and soul of this young man, exploring the person behind the voice. We will try to accurately represent who David is and how he lives. We hope to help David inspire people across the globe to live a life of character, and to help make the world a better place.
credit:Counting David's Character