#Tom Fletcher就是那個在twitter比賽被他打敗的那個Harry Potter的演員,他還要粉絲去祝Tom生日快樂,這種氣度!(Punk提醒我,此Tom非彼Tom也,Tom Flecher是Mcfly的那個大帥哥,我在twitter上follower的那個,Tom Felton才是Harry Potter的那個演員,哦, my bad!給大家行個禮,道個歉!)
I wanted to drop a quick line or two... or more.. haha. I'm in
Sacramento right now, where I had my very first Jingle show during the
holiday season last December. It was a lot of fun. At that specific
show we had Katy Perry, Jesse McCartney, Boys Like Girls, and my good
friend Shontelle!!! First time meeting all of them. We also didn't have
a show yesterday, so I just had some interview stuff and did things for
the Rising Star Outreach foundation. I then went to see Harry Potter 6!
It was a really good movie!
This last week was our San Jose show too, and my family came! I got to
hang with them that night, and it was nice spending quality time with
them, even though it was just for the night. The next day I had to fly
out to Utah to do some recording, which is kind of funny since I was
flying away from my family to go work in Utah haha. But it was great
getting to record more Christmas music! After that I went to LA the
next day to record some more Christmas songs. I am working with Eman on
a bunch of these Christmas songs so it's good working him again. Maybe
we can get some pop stuff going after all this Christmas stuff too haha.
Tomorrow is the LA show, and I'm always nervous for anything in LA lol.
It always seems like there's more pressure, but I'm really excited for
it! It should be fun with everyone coming. I have some friends coming
too so I'm looking forward to seeing them! Some familiar faces.
I'd also like to mention that Brooke White's new album has come out on
iTunes! It's so good!! So happy for Brooke :). It has that good
old-fashioned raw sound to it, and it's just refreshing to hear. I'm
pretty sure the official release of her album is the 21st, but has been
released on iTunes. Another good album that has come out is Owl City! I
went to their concert a while ago and they have some really good stuff.
So you should check both of those albums out.
So sorry this is a sloppy blog lol. I felt like it was organized in my
mind, and there was something else I wanted to say but I forgot. But I
guess it's good that my mind has finally stopped going on and on and on
about nothing. But hey I need to head to soundcheck now! I'll talk to
you all later!
P.S. it's Tom Fletcher from Mcfly's birthday tomorrow, so wish him a happy birthday!
P.P.S. A lot of you aren't familiar with Totoro. He's an anime cartoon
character thing from a movie I loved when I was a kid haha. I really
don't know how to explain him. I'm sure he's on google though. It's
from the movie My Neighbor Totoro.
Songs for the day: When We Were One - Brooke White Hello Seattle - Owl City