Howdy all! Today I'm in South Carolina for my first time, and am
looking forward to the new crowd! I have to head to soundcheck, meet
and greets, and then to getting ready for the show pretty soon here,
but just thought I'd let you know about the last week.
A week ago I had the PIttsburgh show, and I had such an amazing time! I
really miss those solo shows, and I feel like I can relate to the
audience so much more. Thanks to all of you who came out to that show
and made it what it was. I'm looking forward to the other solo shows
during this tour! The next 2 shows are actually solo ones! So I'm
excited :). The one tomorrow is in Kentucky, and the one after that is
in Rockford, Illinois. For the Kentucky show we're going to be trying a
more toned-down set of the same songs I've been doing, but where the
audience can focus more on the music and vibe. It'll be my first time
trying something like this out, and it's always something I've wanted
to try. The rest of the shows will be the same as before where it's
about the energy and fun haha. I'm really looking forward to all of the
shows though.
After the Pittsburgh show, we had the North Carolina show, and then
went down to Florida! The state where I was born and lived my first 6
years of life haha. We had a day off there, and so I got to spend it
with some friends who are amazing people! I also got to spend time with
my Grandparents! I love them. My grandparents were actually able to
come to all 3 of our shows in Florida, and it was so great. I honestly
don't remember the last time I was able to spend that much time with
them, so I'm really grateful for it. My cousins, aunt, and uncle also
came to the Orlando show. In addition to all of them, I tried to get a
hold of other relatives I knew I had in Florida but had never met. My
mom has a cousin in Florida who she hasn't seen in 16 years, so I
invited her and her kids haha. So my 2nd cousins came. It was a great
big family reunion! The next day we had off in Orlando, so I got to
spend time with friends and family in Disney World! It was so much fun!
I'd tell you more about it but I am running out of time and am even
writing this while I'm up on stage haha. So I'll have to tell you guys
more stuff later. But what a great week spend with family :). You gotta
do more of it! I didn't even know these 2nd cousins existed until I did
some research and invited them myself to the show haha. So you guys
should do some research and see if you have any family members you
haven't met yet, and then let me know your stories! I think it's always
fun to hear that kind of stuff. Well I better go now so ttyl!
Song for the day: First Train Home - Imogen Heap