Robert是一位罹患蘭格罕細胞組織球增生症(Langerhan's Cell Histiocytosis, LCH)的六歲小男生。他在七月時有參加大衛的演唱會,並且非常喜歡大衛。他家的一位朋友Holly曾在Orlando時寫字條希望大衛能寄信給Robert,而大衛也真的寄了喔!(圖一和二)當Robert收到時很高興,又由Holly轉送感寫信及一條藍色的手環給大衛。(圖三)
David's Big Heart
David strikes again with one of the biggest hearts of anyone I know. The 6 year old son, Robert, of a co-worker has been battling Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) this past year. It is a cancer-like disease of the bone marrow. He has been undergoing chemotherapy and is a real trooper. He went to see David at the Cincinnati concert in July and LOVED it. He bought a David tee shirt and proudly wore it to church the next day. I made him 2 cds of many of David's songs and his mom says that's all Robert listens to. So when I saw David in Orlando I gave him a note card, photo and envelope addressed to Robert and asked if he could maybe write Robert a note. Of course David did and Robert was thrilled to get the note last Saturday. Robert's parents were very touched by David's kindness. Robert's mom and I took a picture of Robert with the note and photo and his mom got a frame to put it in for me to give to David. Robert also wrote David a thank you letter in typical 6 year old writing with a plethora of stickers and had a blue band bracelet representing LCH for David.
On Thur. I saw David once again in St. Louis and when it was time for my VIP photo with David I showed him Robert's thank you card and the blue bracelet and asked if we could get them in our photo. David put the bracelet right on and held the card for our photo. I then said I would put the card back in the gift bag I had brought, but he said no he wanted to hold onto it. He's so wonderful. Later during the concert I noticed right away that David was still wearing the blue bracelet with Robert's name on it. We all need to learn from and appreciate all the time, thoughtfulness, and kindness David shows to others. I know that is a big reason we all love David so much.
cedit:Fans of David Archuleta