Riu Riu Chiu是一首所謂Villancico風格的歌曲(伊比利半島文藝復興時期常見曲風,通常是表達基督教的觀點),這歌曲在該時期亦廣為人知,如今的版本常將原版的古字改為大家能夠了解的字詞.
Riu, riu, chiu. He who herds by the river:
God kept the wolf far away from our ewe.
The furious wolf attempted to bite her
but almighty God protected her well:
such did he make her she could know no sin,
a Virgin unstained by our first father’s fault.
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The newborn child is the mightiest monarch,
Christ patriarchal invested with flesh.
He made himself tiny and so redeemed us:
he who was infinite became finite.
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Many a prophecy told of his coming,
and now in our days have we seen them fulfilled.
God became man, on earth we behold him,
and see man in heaven because he so willed.
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I saw thousands of angels that were singing
Flying around, making much music
Telling shepherds, Glory in the heavens
and Peace on earth that Jesus is born.
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This one comes to give life to the dead,
and comes to mend us all from sin;
He is the light of day, this Boy
this is the Lamb that St. John said.
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Now we have gained what we were all desiring,
go we together to bear him our gifts:
let each give his will to the God who was willing
to come down to earth man’s equal to be.
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