


credit: Jennifer Barry







Hello to all of you! Idk if I have anything really exciting to talk about other than I've been keeping busy in the studio this week! I've been recording in LA and Utah this week and it's been quite the work but I'm really excited for it all to come together! I really like airplane rides though because it gives me time to write and get really detailed in my journal haha. Anyway... I know that may have seemed kinda random but I've been on airplanes quite a bit this last week. But I think the Christmas spirit is rubbing off on me because I've never started the Holiday season spirit this early in the year before haha. It feels good though.

So we had our last show for the Summer last week in Alaska, which was bittersweet. It's sad because touring is always fun, but it's nice to be able to work and focus on other projects and stuff. I have to say though.... Alaska was AMAZING!! The mountains were incredible to look at, and it was just beautiful. I loved performing too. I wanna go back now! haha. But it's been good having time to be home for a little and catch up with everyone here! I got to hang out with family and friends, and I made sure I got a good amount of time to have that time with them. It really is important to have those people close to you, and important to spend time with them! It's been nice recording in Utah so I could make that happen.

Well that's basically all I have on my mind right now! I'm sorry it's so short but I hope you guys understand it's hard for me to explain a week where I've spent most of my time inside the studio haha. The Christmas album is almost done though! So crazy! I'm excited to start getting into the next pop album too. But anyway I'm done. There's no reason to keep rambling when I have nothing else to say hehe. But I will talk to you guys later!

Song for the day: Let's Just Fall In Love Again - Jason Castro

I'm so excited to have some Castro music! I love this song! Woo hoo go Jason! haha. You guys should definitely take a listen if you haven't yet!

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