#在ALMA最棒的時刻就是表演跟有媽媽的陪伴。非常高興看見Rainn Wilson
#因為朋友會叫他lettuce boy這個綽號,許多粉絲也會開始叫他Lechuga(西班牙文的萵苣)
David Archuleta: I Love My Fans! (Interview Part 2 Of 2)
After we completed our routine interview questions with 18 year old star David Archuleta, we thought we would take some questions from the people who adore this handsome young man the most; his fans. We reached out to David’s fans on Twitter and they poured in over 500 questions. Below are the fans that Latinaroom selected to personally get their questions answered by David.
Latinaroom: Before we get into questions from your fans, what is the nicest thing you have ever done for a fan or your fans?
David Archuleta: I don’t know I try my best to make sure that they know how much I appreciate them. You know I wouldn’t be in this if they didn’t enjoy it. I try to make sure I get to know them; I try to get familiar with my fans. I try to make good music for them; I try to perform my best for them.
Latinaroom: (@pam05) David I hear you sing a Spanish & French song on your Christmas CD, will you be doing a Spanish CD someday?
David Archuleta: I am definitely planning on doing a Spanish CD. I think that would be so great to do and it would be so important to get back and reach out to that side of my heritage. That’s a big part of my life, half of my family is Latino, a lot of them don’t speak English, so I want to give back to them too. I think Spanish music is so beautiful too, I love how you can get very emotional with music and very sensitive and very powerful with it.
Latinaroom: (@Smkndofpnutdssr) What are a few of your favorite Christmas traditions?
David Archuleta: I remember always going to my Grandpa’s and having dinner and then we would have a family talent show. So people would play instruments and sing, and tell stories that was something really fun to do during the Christmas time. On my mom’s side it was like a party. It was kind of like the same thing we would have a talent show but it was a SHOW with performances, costumes and dancing. So both sides have fun memories; it just depends on where I am celebrating.
Latinaroom: (@missbianca) How/why he picked up on this P90X exercise stuff he's been tweeting about.
David Archuleta: (Laughing) My friend just invited me actually to do it and I’ve been running anyway, so…it’s really good actually. It works your entire body. It’s just a good workout. You can take different exercises and they have different programs and for each area of your body. Your abs, shoulders and cardio. You say to yourself: “Oh, kill me now!” when you’re doing it, but afterwards you just feel so good and it actually helps a lot with your breathing too. And it just gives you so much energy; it’s like before I had to like get a lot of sleep. I get up earlier now and I just feel good, and the breathing is another big thing because when you have that going for you, you sing better, like I have a lot more air for my singing.
Latinaroom: (@maninmirror) What's your favorite song to jam to in the car?
David Archuleta: It depends on what kind of mood I’m in. Battlefield, that’s a good one.
Latinaroom: (@Jonerz) Your fans were blown away by your performance on the ALMA awards. Were you pleased with it?
David Archuleta: Aww, thanks! I was so nervous I don’t even remember. It was so fun, I love that song and it’s so beautiful, it’s one of those classic Spanish songs. I was just so nervous just because it was my first time singing in Spanish on TV, but it was so cool at the same time. So I don’t remember exactly what was going on because I was a little nervous…I had such a fun time…sure I could’ve done better, I’m sure but I’m still really happy with getting to do it. Getting to say: “Hey I am Latino,” I do have it in me; and I want to give back to you guys and it’s me being able to sing in Spanish and being able to reach out to that side of my culture.
Latinaroom: (@YourLightShines) What was your favorite moment of the ALMA awards? Who were you the most excited to meet?
David Archuleta: I didn’t get to meet him, but Rainn Wilson was there. (Laughing) He’s not Latino even, but he was there. I was like Oooh Rainn Wilson! Because I do like the office; I don’t watch TV, but sometimes every now and then I’ll watch a little bit of the office and it’s just so funny. So, I got real excited because he was there but I didn’t want to bug him because he was going up to present or something. But my favorite was singing and having my mom there. Just to have my mom experience it all with me. So those 2 things!
Latinaroom: (@maninmirror) How did you get the nickname Lechuga?
David Archuleta: Well people, like my friends, called me lettuce boy because I love. So some of my fans started calling me Lechuga, because it’s Spanish for lettuce.
Latinaroom: (@elliexarchiie) what do you like most about being famous?
David Archuleta: Just getting to sing. Getting to do music, getting to travel, and getting to meet new people. So now getting to sing all the time, and getting to see other people enjoy it. So getting to see other people and the way they love what you’re doing is so cool.
Latinaroom: (@pastelpastel) You have toured, recorded, performed, helped fundraise this past year...what are the highlights?
David Archuleta: There’ve been lots of highlights. The tour was a big highlight, getting to go to different places…getting to meet some of the people that I got to me.