

這是非常棒的四個大衛粉絲(Julee-就是thisisyourmotherspeaking,Janey-我的舊金山瘋狂粉絲,Claudia-我的猶他州舞伴,sofansmom-這個我就不認識了)的傑作,讓Jim簡直高興的不得了,不但在twitter上狂謝大衛粉絲,還說他要唱touch my hand來回報我們!

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This morning, I casually Tweeted that I'd be celebrating my birthday tonight. My actual birthday isn't until November 22 — the day Adam Lambert will be stealing the show at the American Music Awards — so I was a tad confused when the mailroom called me to say I had to sign for some flowers.

"Uh, you have the wrong number," I said.

"Are you the Jim Cantiello who sits on the 29th floor?" the mail room dude asked.

I slowly said, "Yes."

"Well, then come downstairs and pick up your flowers." Click.

During the elevator ride down to the lobby, I scanned through my mental Rolodex of people who would send me flowers two weeks before my birthday. "Hmm, Shakira seemed to really enjoy our interview together on Tuesday. Maybe she wanted to say thanks?" "I gave a cab driver a 40 percent tip the other day." "Perhaps my grandparents are losing it and forgot my date of birth?"

It turns out a group of David Archuleta fans had banded together and wanted to wish me a happy early birthday by sending me flowers and a giant balloon! The card read, "You made us happy with your support of our 'homey' @davidarchie!"

Wow! I knew the Christmas carol segment I did was popular with his fan base, but I never imagined it would inspire such thoughtfulness! They even quoted the "Archmas" joke, writing in the card, "Last part of your Archmas gift includes an early HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you!"

How sweet is that? Although the "last part" reference confused me. Would there be more on its way?

As I was writing this very blog I got another phone call. "You have a delivery from a bakery downstairs."


The same four fans had also sent me cupcakes from Magnolia Bakery! (Brooke White would be so jealous right now.) This time the card was a poem! "Another part of your Archmas treat. Thanks again, we'd love a Tweet!"

Another part? Is there going to be more? My head's going to explode!

So to @momJulee, @sofansmom, @ClaudiaNRR and @janey7: Thank you for the nicest early birthday gift ever. (My co-workers who helped me devour the delicious cupcakes also send you kisses.) I will definitely sing "Touch My Hand" at my karaoke party later tonight in your honor.

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