Aah, it’s been a whilst since I’ve written about my favourite American Teen, David Archuleta, but since I’ve got wind of his new Christmas single, Joy To The World, I had to get something on paper. (Well not paper, but you know what I mean)
So I haven’t received any news from across the pond on the new single or album – Christmas from the Heart – but I’m surely hoping Santa will pop a copy under my Christmas Tree this year!
David has said; “This album represents my love for Christmastime, and what it really is all about, this is a special time of year that we spend with family and loved ones. It means so much to each one of us. I hope you can all feel that in the music.” Awww!!
Any of you who have read my blog, will know I’ve got a bit of a thing for the little sweetheart… on the two occasions I’ve chatted to him I’ve been head over heels with his heart-warming personality – even when he said if he could own any car it wouldn’t be a flashy Porsche or Lotus, but a Prius, because it’s environmentally friendly. What a darling!
I doubt David will make much of an impact on the Christmas chart here in the UK – considering I haven’t heard a peep of news about the single or album until I Googled him this morning (and because people are too busy messing about buying Rage Against the Machine and Journey’s old hits to take notice of the current music scene.
So this is for you people of the USA… will you take David to Number One? Please make it happy!
Ruth. x