Robert Downey Jr是我最喜歡的演員之一,才華縱橫,27歲就因為在Chaplin中的表演嶄露頭角,獲得當年奧斯卡最佳男主角的提名,不過據說也是因為入戲太深,之後十幾年他都毒癮纏身,不斷的在入獄,保釋,再度入獄中渡過,一直到2001年之後,他的情況才慢慢穩定下來,2007年因為Iron Man瘋狂大賣座,飾演男主角的他徹底鹹魚翻身,成為一線明星,今年又因為在Sherlock Holmes中的演出得到金球獎喜劇類最佳男主角獎。
Robert在2004年錄製他的第一張專輯the Futurist,收錄的10首歌中他寫了8首,並且也負責鋼琴伴奏(太多才多藝了!!!),這張第一周銷售量也有一萬六千張(也不算太爛啦)。Robert的嗓音雖然不是非常專業,但是音質很好,而且情感豐沛,滄桑感十足,一聽眼前就有畫面出現,他用聲音演歌的能力也是一流。專輯中另外還有一首Broken也很不錯,大家可以找來聽聽。
This is the night I've been dreaming of forever
Mirror takes a look at my face
I'll never set foot in that rat hole again
But I'll drive to your place
I spit gravel
As I back out of the back door
And the twenties roll aroun in my hand
It's funny now, when I don't show up on
They'll go nuts, and eat their hats, well, what
do you think of that?
She says, you're throwing life away
To move with a man like me
She's not blind
She just don't have mind to see
This is a habit I'm breaking now forever
I'm weary from trying to shake it
So when I ask if you don't give me your hand
I'll take it
Right now
From your mother's side of town
She says, you're throwing life away
To move with a man like me
She's not blind
She just don't have a mind to see
She say's, you're throwing life away
To move with a man like me
Just to move with a man like me