新加坡粉絲Larissa的粉絲網David Archuleta Beyond Borders為大衛新書的出版發起了這個贈書活動,無論你是有能力多買一本Chords Of Strengh或需要接受贈書的粉絲,我們都需要你的參與!
Africa: $6.99
Asia & Pacific: $4.99
Atlantic & Caribbean: $6.99
Australia: $4.99
Canada: $3.99
Europe: $3.99
Israel: $3.99
Japan: $3.99
Latin America: $4.99
Middle East: $6.99
US: $3
Canada & Mexico: $11.45
All Other Countries: $13.45
US: $4.90
1. Why are you not able to get the book yourself?
2. Pick a chapter title from COS and write about what that means to you.
3. Tell us how you are active on one of David’s fansites or tell us the name of another fan who knows you well and can be your character reference.
4. Type out this pledge, “I, (name), in all honesty and truth pledge that I genuinely am unable to get the COS book myself and am therefore asking to be gifted.”
Posted By Wagu