

Hey All! I hope everyone's having a fun time during theholiday season. I did the last few Jingle Ball shows this week, and itwas such a blast! Sunday was Philly/South Jersey for Q102, and I wasstoked because I got to run out and take a picture of a few thingsbefore I had to get ready and leave for the show. I got to see thingslike the first U.S. library and the Liberty Bell which was way cool.Then on Monday we went to Minnesota for KDWB, and it was the first timeI got to see T.I. perform. It was soooo cold! I think it was like -27with the windchill or something. It was fun though, because in downtownMinneapolis they have indoor walkways that go from building to buildingwith shops all over. That way you don't have to cross the street in thefreezing cold haha. On Tuesday we went to Chicago for the B96 show, andit was really cold there too. It was my last show with my buddyShontelle, who's just a really cool girl haha. It was fun doing a lotof shows with her. After the soundcheck in Chicago, I had to go back tothe hotel to get some stuff, and normally it takes like... 10 minutesto get there... But with how bad it was snowing and all of the traffic,it took us over an hour to get there. It was pretty painful lol. Butluckily I made it in time to do the meet n greets and be prepared forthe show. Wednesday in Atlanta for Star 94 was the last show for me,and it was sooooo much fun. I had a really great time, and during myset after I sang A Thousand Miles, the band and crew surprised me witha birthday cake since it was the last time I'd see them before mybirthday. The crowd sang happy birthday and I tried to blow out thecandles, but they kept lighting back up because they were trick candleshaha. It was really cool of them to do that for me though, so thanksyou guys! It was so awesome working with them on all of these shows. Ifelt really privileged to get to work with all of them who were reallyeasy to get along with. My family in Atlanta got to come to the showtoo, and it was GREAT to see them again! I brought my cousin backstageto meet everyone, and she was really shy haha. Rehab, We the Kings,Colbie Caillat, and Gavin Degraw were all performers, and she got tomeet all of them besides Rehab. It was a really cool laid back group ofpeople, so it was a really enjoyable smooth show. Shawn Johnson, theolympic gold medal gymnast, was at the show too. So we got to meet herand she was really cool. During Gavin Degraw's set while he was singingI Don't Wanna Be (Which I love by the way) he called Colbie to go upand sing with him when she was standing on the side watching. So shewent up and it was awesome! I loved it haha. Oh and another person whogot to come to the show was Alexandrea Lushington from top 24! She leftbefore I got to say hi, but I'm really glad she was able to come. Sothis week has been fun, and now it's time to relax and spend time withthe fam for the holidays. I'm not sure where we're going to go quiteyet, but we're probably going to go somewhere that isn't snowing haha.I love looking at the snow, but it's no fun when you don't have heat inyour house. Oh and another thing. I have this drawer in my room where Ikeep a lot of memories in, like tickets, cd's, papers, letters, etc..and I open it up to put some more stuff... When I open it, all mypapers are chewed up and there's a nest mice made from all of mymemories! I tried saving as much as I could, but there was a lot ofdamage done and I had to throw a lot away . But it's ok because it wasan excuse to clean up haha. So now I've been decluttering my room,which is taking forever because more things keep coming into it. Istill haven't gotten a lot of the boxes that I sent home during theJingle shows, and most of the stuff from tour is in boxes elsewhere. Somy room is pretty much uninhabitable. But I'll hurry and clear thingsup before we leave. But anyway.. I apologize for my disorganizedrambling that doesn't make a whole lot of sense. But I'm going to aChristmas party now, so I hope everyone has a good week! If you haveany fun stories let me know about 'em! Adios.

Song for the day: Snow - Amie Miriello
This is one of my favorite songs of the year. I thought it'd be appropriate as I now wipe the windshield filled with snow haha.
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