Happy New Years!
Holaa todos! I hope everyone had an awesome holiday season! I've beenspending time with my family, and it's been great! It's been so niceto finally relax and spend time with all of them. We've been in Vegasfor the last little while. I've been eating WAY too much, buthopefully I'll be able to lose some of it lol. Anyway, I wanted tothank everyone for incredibly thoughtful things you've been sayingwishing me happy holidays and also happy birthday! haha. I just had mybirthday on the 28th, so I'm now officially 18. Thanks sooo much forall the comments and videos that you guys have sent! It was way coolto see them!! For my birthday we ate Thai food for dinner, and thensaw the Blue Man Group which was really cool and creative. It was coolto go to a show with my family and have a fun time doing somethingtogether, so I had a great day. On our way to the show my siblings andI found out that we all happened to know the Harry Potter Puppet Palsand the Mysterious Ticking Noise and had enough of us to do thedifferent parts... haha. We're dorks, but we had fun. But thanksagain for all the things you guys have done for me during the holidayseason! And hope everyone has a Happy New Year!! I'll be making anappearance at the Newphoria New Year's Eve Dance in Orem, Utah for NewYear's, so for those of you going I'll see ya there! But anyway mymom's telling me to hurry up because we're going to eat now so I'lltalk to you guys later!
P.S. Thanks for making the Crush video hit 10 million hits!!!!!! I was like.. floored when I found out! haha.
P.P.S. This blog is way shorter than my other ones! Hooray for not rambling insanely!
Song for the day - If This Isn't Love - Jennifer Hudson
This is a really cool song. I like listening to it. haha
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