因為太愛吃所以決定自己做菜了嗎 ,大衛?
credit:David's Myspace Blog
大衛談到他和他的家人朋友參加了猶他州的除夕晚會,大家都玩的很開心,還在聖地牙哥看了第一場美國足球賽,另外提到他去拜訪了“Make-A-Wish”慈善機構,感謝大家以他的名義捐錢,說到今天早上要在猶他州州長就職典禮作戶外表演(非常冷,我很擔心他的聲帶),最後介紹了一個在Oprah表演的女孩Charice,對她的聲音讚譽有加,並請大家去看看她的表演:My Heart Will Go On。
大衛,你真的有顆黃金打造的心(heart of gold),我愛你!
New Years Resolution?
Ihope everyone's having a great new year so far! I have an officialresolution I have set which I'm going to try and keep up with thisyear, but I'm going to keep it to myself to see how well I do until theend haha... But if you guys don't mind sharing your resolutions feelfree to! I think it's fun to know about those kinds of things. Iperformed at a thing in Orem, Utah called Newphoria which wasgreat. My parents, little sisters, and a bunch of my friends were ableto come and celebrate! I sang ALTNOY and Crush, and there were someother really neat acts there. My friends, The Osmonds 2nd Generationwho were also performing earlier, got a hold of me and invited me to doit. I thought it was a really fun way to celebrate while at home, andI was sooo happy to have my friends and family there with me. We had ablast! Ashley Tisdale was also there hosting. We danced like idiots,and I got some good exercise out of it.
This weekend I went to San Diego to visit a girl forMake-A-Wish who was having a very difficult time battling cancer. Itwas probably one of the most special things I have ever experienced,and incredibly touching. It helped me even more to be motivated andact. We need to keep ..ing those who battle against such sicknesses. I want to thank those of you who are so strong in facing those kindsof obstacles, and are such an example of hope and strength. Somethinglike that reminds me of what matters most in this life, and I hope tonever forget that. I want to thank her and her family, and I want themto know I'm strongly keeping them in my prayers. I'm also soappreciative of Make-A-Wish for allowing incredible things to happenfor kids and let their dreams come true. And THANK YOU!! to all of youguys for your donations that you've been sending for such great causes! A lot of you have made donations in my name, so thanks for doing that. I always think about how those donations will help out, even if it'snot a huge contribution. That small amount can help change someone'slife one way or another, and just thinking about it gives me thechills. But anyway, sorry for going off on that, I just felt like itwas something important to let out.
While we were in San Diego, I got to meet up with one of myfriends who was there on vacation. Their family was going to theChargers vs. Colts game, so we decided to go too! It was suchan exciting game, and I'm really glad I was able to see my friend haha. I think it's cool to meet up with buddies somewhere different fromwhere you live. It was my first NFL game, and the crowd was nuts. Thereally cool thing about it is the game was at Qualcomm Stadium, whichis where I first auditioned for American Idol! It brought back a lotof memories of a lot of waiting lol. But it was cool, and neat tothink about how it all started.
Today I'll be singing at Utah's Governor Huntsman'sinauguration, and even though it's FREEZING... it should be a goodtime. I actually sang at the Governor Huntsman's inauguration thefirst time lol. But yeah. It's actually so hard to sing when it'scold! I tend to lose my voice in cold weather, and I must becold-blooded because I just don't do well with low temperatures. I'lllet you know how it went in my next blog, but I better get going here. Unlike my last blog, this is pretty long haha. So I'll talk to youguys later!
P.S. Before I go I wanted to mention one thing real quick. I washanging out at my house when my parents called me in to watch a storyon Oprah about this girl named Charice. I had seen her on youtubebefore and she was at the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade, but it wasamazing to hear her story and her voice! She seriously has one of thebest voices I've heard in a long time, and I had chills the entire timeI was watching about her life. So instead of a song for the day Ithink you should check her out! It's more like a person for the dayhaha. She was really inspiring and for those of you who haven't heardher yet I think you're in for a real treat! She sang My Heart Will GoOn during her appearance on Oprah, and it's amazing to see how muchpassion she has for what she does! I also loved how she talked abouthow important her mom was to her. I hope you guys enjoy!