#大衛不需要努力,只要做自己,就能做出最正確的決定。(這些話說的太棒了,這個Shannon真的了解大衛。在大衛粉絲界有句流行的話:Trust the Archuleta,因為大衛總是直覺的知道他應該做甚麼,所以相信他就沒錯)
#關於和Miley Cyrus合作一事:對大衛只有好沒有壞,幫助大衛博取迪士尼觀眾的好感,增加他的曝光,讓他真的變成一線的歌手。他和迪士尼沒有合約,可以得到好處就走人。(果然和我們當初猜測的一樣)
#David is the sweetest, most genuine, down to earth guy I have ever had the pleasure to meet.
#I have been on stages many times in front of as many as 50,000 people and I have NEVER heard a scream like that when I introduced an artist (David)!
#There are qualities he has that are genuine and just not around anymore, even with the disney artists and I find it sad. He is extremely talented and a genuine role model.
#Backstage at Kissmas Bash I was speaking with Martin from Boys Like Girls and he pointed behind me, I turned around and there was David, wandering around alone seemingly in awe of his surroundings. I went up to him and put my arm around him and said "david, honey you might not want to roam around alone back here " He asked why and I pointed behind him and said "that line of girls are going to see Flo Rida right now, when they are done they will come out this door next to you and you will get mobbed" He said "Really"? "You reallly think so"?? and I just giggled and said, "David I love you, don't ever become Jaded"....and he said "What's Jaded?"
#What is going to happen with David is that his fan base is so strong, his character so honest, his talent so genuine that he will win out. There will be no denying the sales, downloads, concert tickets, etc...
#David makes all the right moves and he doesn't need to try, that's the thing. It is who he.
#(on collaborating with Miley Cyrus and Disney) I think it is a perfect move. Speaking from a business perspective, solidifying David with the Disney audience is the best thing they could do. Again, because he is a genuine good guy. Miley and Disney can give him exposure and support that could set him up among the big guys, and it's great because he's not "bonded" to Disney. The whole point is just getting him out there as much as possible. He will take it from there.