
這篇報導說的一點都沒錯,只要大衛上任何節目,管他是icarly,還是Hannah Montana,他的粉絲,不論年齡性別老少,都會準時收看,只要他開演唱會,不論哪裡,都會有粉絲從世界各地去支持他。

大衛爸爸昨天跟位粉絲說大衛在Hannah Montana裡真的有演戲,不是像他在icarly那樣演自己而已。管他的,他怎麼樣都可以,Roooommmm five thirrrteeeen,哈哈哈哈!

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“However, once I got there I had a great time!  Everyone there was fun and Miley was a cool person to hang out with.  She has a lot of energy and is really funny haha.  Getting to watch how they rehearsed the scenes for the show was really cool too.” 

The American Idol star later confessed that he hasn't seen the show prior to his guest appearance.  Even so, he continued to say that it was “funny watching the other scenes.”  Of course, Hannah Montana has its unique mix of comedy, which really just caters to tweens and teens, such as Archuleta himself. 

Moreover, with American Idol being such a phenomenon, it's no doubt fans (of all ages, too) of the 18-year-old musician will jump right into Disney to see how he fares.  This isn't his first time to appear as a guest star though.  Archuleta was previously seen on Nickelodeon's iCarly, where he played himself in one episode.

“I think it'll be fun to see how the whole show runs altogether, because it was just cool to see how great of actors the other kids were,” David Archuleta went on.  While we can wait for further announcements about this, those who can't get enough of him might want to head over to Europe this May , as he's busy promoting his self-titled album in a tour.


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