

這個小孩原來15號還跑到Arizona的Wellness社區,去跟Make-a-wish的小孩表演和簽名了,他真的是天使(版主昨晚見到他的時候也這樣跟他說:you are my angel。他很高興的看著我,還跟我說謝謝。版主死撐著,因為身負重任所以沒有昏倒)。

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David Archuleta may sound familiar to you if you are one of the 35 million Americans who watch the hit TV show "American Idol." On March 15, Archuleta, the second runner-up in last season's show, surprised more than 20 teens and their families with a special appearance at The Wellness Community - Arizona (TWC-AZ).

The teens, who are cancer survivors, met and talked with the popular pop star. A group of Make-a-Wish teens also attended the "surprise" event. David's appearance was orchestrated by a Valley cancer survivor and alumni of TWC's cancer support programs.

The teens only discovered the identity of their surprise star guest when they registered for the event.

Teen cancer support program participant Dani Koenes, 15, who is being treated for a brain tumor, said "I had butterflies in my stomach the whole time." Archuleta sung his Billboard hit "Crush" and "Angels," took photos with each teen and signed autographs.

"David really went out of his way for the teens. He was so kind and caring," said TWC Teen Counselor Tracy Lentz.

Archuleta, who is on a 25-city tour, had arrived in Phoenix the night before from a performance in Albuquerque. "Sunday was his only day off," Lentz continued. "He is a very special person."

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