


Hello FOD! Greetings from Sri KDU. David paid a visit and he was awesome. Lots of screaming and singing along in the hall.

Best of all, 60% of the 1,400 in the hall were boys 13 to 17 years old. All screaming as loudly as the girls. Hundreds of David’s CDs were snapped up after the visit.

Students are children of corporate captains, political figures and even some royalty thrown in.

Sri KDU launched a school-wide voting campaign and we were not at all surprised to win. Excitement had been building up for a whole week and it all exploded in the hall. Some moments of anxiety but David was well taken care of. Lots of security.

Police patrol outside the school.
David even had 3 police outriders accompanying him when the neared the school.
Sri KDU has 20 full time security guards.
100 teachers were put on security duty forming human barricades in the hall.
David had 5 personal guards.

We expected insane response from the students and were not taking any chances with regards to his safety.

Sony guys were there. Hundreds sold.

Many of the boys were Cook fans but were gushing over David by the end of school day. Most of the CDs were bought by these new fans. How cool is that?

And David had to use the washroom. He met a cleaning lady, extended a handshake, asked for her name and said thanks for keeping the school clean for everyone. That’s David. No one was around at that time, so he was not putting on some act. The cleaning lady told some staff about it.

David was so gracious and accommodating. Willingly signed autographs even though the sponsors said he wouldn’t have time.


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