

在亞洲給粉絲包圍惨了,這下在機場走廊沒有人他也開心了。他坐新加坡航空回美國?恭喜相公,賀喜相公,新加坡航空是全世界服務最好的航空公司之一,而且飛機上食物算是很好吃的了,這下他一定不會餓到。別忘了到這裡去跟大衛留個言: davidofficialyoutube

還有這裡: davidofficial


Back in the states for a bit. Notice how the hall I'm in never ends!! I was wondering if I was going the right way or not. I apologize again for how scary-looking I am. I had been traveling for like 20 hours, with the last flight being for a straight 16 hours. It was a fun flight though. Singapore Airline flight attendants are really nice. haha.


credit: theofficialarchuleta


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