




"How do I describe it though. Miley didn't sound bad so it didn't really mess up David's voice. Oh and David sounded awesome. It was a kinda romance, kinda friendship type of song. They make eye contact and hug. LOL It was a pretty good episode. After David is no longer being shown, they still have the duet playing till the end of the episode so thats good."


"Ok, so Miley accepts this nerd when he asks her to prom cause she feels bad for him. But then David calls her(scene 1) and asks her if they were going to do the duet they promised and he could only do it that night because hes leaving town. Later Miley breaks off the thing with the nerd and goes and records the duet with David, but halfway through David gives her a rose and she remembers the rose that the nerd gave her earlier. So she tells David she has to leave and David starts joking about it being his breath then he goes, "OMG YOU THOUGHT I WAS DAVID COOK AND THATS WHY YOU ACCEPTED." She explains thats not it and she made a promise to someone. David of course understands, they hug and the duet continues to play throughout the episode till the end, showing her going to prom with the nerd."

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