相信大家對Kelly Clarkson這位AI出身的大姐都不陌生。雖然很多人對她的第三張大碟《My December》評價不高,而且銷售不佳,但其實這只是比較下產生的結果,再加上外傳與公司高層鬧不合引發的冷宣傳,畢竟上張專輯《Breakaway》真的是難得的極品,而這次她又拒絕公司要求的歌,親手譜寫每首歌曲。對一位出身選秀的歌手來說,Kelly這項舉動絕對可以獲得肯定,因為我在聆聽這張專輯時可以感受到那最真實的個人情感,像《Irvine》這首非主打歌曲就是一例。
《Irvine》是某次到Irvine Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre表演時在更衣室隨手寫下的。Kelly自己說過:「這是我寫過最悲傷的一首歌,歌詞是我在人生最低潮時的禱告。有時候你會突然想起〝祂〞是否真的存在,不管那是上帝、阿拉或任何你視為至上無比的對象。經過這次的禱告後,我確信真的有某個人或力量在照顧著我。」
Are you there?
Are you watching me?
As I lie here on this floor
They say you feel what I do
They say you’re here every moment
Will you stay?
Stay ’till the darkness leaves
Stay here with me
I know you’re busy
I know I’m just one
But you might be the only one who sees me
The only one to save me
Why is it so hard?
Why can’t you just take me?
I don’t have much to go
Before I fade completely
Can you feel how cold I am?
Do you cry as I do?
Are you lonely up there all by yourself?
Like I have felt all my life
The only one to save mine
How are you so strong?
What’s it like to feel so free?
Your heart is really something
Your love, a complete mystery to me
Are you there watching me?
As I lie here on this floor
Do you cry, do you cry with me?
Cry with me tonight
Are you there?
Are you watching me?